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Alli's POV:

I was awaken by my alarm clock. Damn thing is so annoying. Ugh I don't want to get up. Today is monday, I hate monday's. I got up 5 minutes later and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and my cheek still had a little mark from when that volley ball hit me in the face. I looked at my hair and it didn't look to bad. Usually I take a shower everyday because my hair is always a mess when I walk up but today it's not so bad and that's a good thing becasue I don't feel like taking a shower. I got dressed in a pair of high waisted shorts, beige with pink flowers on them and a white cropped top that says's 'Dream Big'. I aplied some foundtion to hide the redness of my cheek and I put on some liner and mascara. I flattened my hair then I walked downstairs, ate breakfast and made my lunch.

"Good morning Cam!" I smiled when he walked in the kitchen.

"Morning!" He yawned.

"K well I'm going now, have a nice day." I waved and left the house. I left early this morning because I didn't really want to see my mother. I got in the car and drove to school with my music blasting. I drove into the parking lot of the school and parked my car close to the entery so I wouldn't have to walk so far, yes I know, I'm lazy. I walked in school and went to my locker. I put my bag in and placed my books and all the usual stuff I do every morning.

"Hey girl! How's it going? How's your cheek?" Mia and the girls stood at my locker.

"Oh, it's still a little red but I put some foundation on. If Cam or my mom would've found out they would freak, especally Cameron. Oh speaking of Cameron, when I came home last night my mom started freaking out and yelling at me but Cam said that I called him telling him where I was. Oh my god I was so greatful he did that. Who knows what my mom would've done." I explained them the situation yesturday.

"Aww Cam is the best. I wish I had a big brother like that." Kenzi whined.

"Ya, he is pretty great." I smirked.

We walked to the cafeteria because there's nothing else to do in the morning so we go to the cafeteria and talk. I walked in and looked at our table, great Luke is there with his buddies.

"Girls can we go sit somewhere else? Would you guys mind?" I asked hopeing they wouldn't ask why I didn't want to sit at our table.

"No, sure." We walked across the cafeteria and I looked around me and then I saw the guys sitting a few tables away from us, so we thought we could go sit with them.

"Hey guys, can we sit?" Mia asked politely.

"Sure." They all seemed happy to have us sit with them.

"So how was yall's weekend." Aaron asked everyone.

"Oh boring as usual." I rolled my eyes.

"I went to the zoo with my baby brother and my parents, it was boring but it wasn't the worst." Lily talked.

The boys talked about their weekend too and they did alot of cool stuff. I wish I could do that kind of stuff. Sounds like fun. We got up and we seperated going to our lockers when the bell rang. First period Math, ehw!

Me and the girls walked in class and sat at our places. Great I sit beside Luke in Math. I hope he apolagizes for what he did yesturday, he didn't even apolagize yet. The bell rang and Luke wasn't in class. Hmm that's weird, he's not usually late and I just saw him before in the cafeteria. Oh well. The teacher passed out papers and we had to fill them out before the end of class. I finished 5 minutes before the bell so I took out my phone and texted Luke.

To Luke: Hey, where are you? Did you skip class?

I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket. The bell rang and I handed in my paper and waited for the girls outside of the classroom. We went to get ourselves a snack and went to the cafeteria. Me and the girls sat down at a table, we ate and talked. The bell rang once again and we walked off to our next class. Physiques. I sat down at my place and sighed. I wonder what happened to Luke, I don't know why, but it's really bugging me that I don't know what he's doing or where he is. I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but I couldn't. I was fiddling with my pencil, looking at the clock, playing with my hair. I didn't know what to do with myself. I'll call him when the bell rings for lunch. The bell rang and it startled me, I guess my head was in the clouds. I got up and walked to my locker and got my lunch and me and the girls walked into the cafeteria. I looked at our table and Luke was there... what the? I went and sat down beside him, Mia sat beside me and April, Lily and Kenzi sat in front of us.

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