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The bus stopped in front of school and I stood up in the aisle waiting for everyone to get out. I finally stepped out, breathing in the fresh air. I sighed and walked through the halls. I unlocked my locker, checked in my agenda what class I have first period and took out the books afterwards. During class I would glance at Nash but he was never looking my way. I mean I understand if he's mad or upset. I would be too if my friend did that to me. But it's for our own good. At lunch I asked the girls to sit somewhere else. They rolled their eyes and we sat at another table. I noticed that when Aaron, Jack G and Taylor saw that we sat at another table, they started mumbling and whispering things. I  looked at Nash and his head was low and he was picking at his sandwich while the guys were bombarding him with questions. I turned my head not wanting to look at them. I feel bad for Nash, the boys and the girls. They have to suffer the consequences because I'm trying to do the right thing. It's hurting them.

"Girls, you can go sit with the boys, I'll stay here. It's fine." I blurted out.

"What? Why would we leave you here alone." April asked taking a sip of her juice afterwards.

"Because me and Nash had this arguement and we talked about stuff and I said it would be better for us to keep our distance, for now. It won't last long... I hope." I mumbled at the end, only I could hear myself. The girls exchanged glares, looking back and forth over and over.

"Girls, just go, it's fine. It's only for lunch, we'll see each other in class. Go!" I smiled at them while they stood up taking their lunch boxes with them. I followed them with my eyes and I noticed that when Mia sat down beside Matt she had this huge smile on her face. I can feel she has a little something for Matthew. I looked at April as she sat infront of Taylor as he winked at her. Carter and Kenzi talked as well as Aaron and Lily. Lily's cheeks flush light pink as she laughed at what Aaron had said. See! I can't seperate them. The girls and the boys have so much fun together. I don't want to ruin everything because of me. 'Don't worry Alli, this won't last long. You'll be back with your friends in no time.' I sighed as I ate my ham and cheese sandwich. I drank my juice and finished up my yogurt quickly. I headed to my locker and put away my lunch, taking a gum out of my purse after I was done. I closed my locker and locked it. I sighed realizing I needed my books. I put my code in and unlocked my padlock. I took my homework out. I walked up the marble stairs that lead to the librairy. I sat at one of the grey tables and quietly placed my books on it. I watched the time go by as I tried to do my homework. The bell rang mentioning third period started in 5 minutes. Taking my books, I pushed my chair towards the table because if you don't the old lady will tell you to come back and do it. And I walked to class. I passed by Matt and Shawn in the hall and I kept my head low and they just smiled. I could tell they were confused. Class started and the science teacher started talking. She had black short hair placed to the side a bit, like wanna be Miley Cyrus. I laughed at myself as I imagined her on a wrecking ball. I got snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name being called.

"Allison?" Mrs. Cambell said.


"Do you know what one light year is?"

"Uh.. it's uh- oh it's the distance from the sun to earth." I smiled as she approved of my answer. The end of class finally arrived, as everyone stood up and pushed themselves out the door.

"Hey!" It was Mia.

"Hey." I smiled at her. It was silent for a while until she spoke.

"You know if you want to talk about what happened between you and Nash, I'm here to listen." She smiled sweetly.

"Thank Mia." I said before walking off to my locker.

It's finally the end of the day. I sighed, remembering I had to take the bus. I put my homework in my book bag and swung it over my shoulder walking out of school. I looked around and everyone was with their friends talking and laughing together. I looked around and saw Aaron, Jack J and Jack G, Taylor, Carter, Shawn, Matt, Nash, Mia, Kenzi and April in a circle. I wanted to go over there so badly but I couldn't. Then Luke cought my eye. I looked at him closly, then I looked towards Nash, then back to Luke then to Nash. I was trying to see if anything was going to happen between them. I saw Luke laugh as he was giving his friends a hand shake and then he walked to his bus. I sighed in releif heading to my bus. I sat down in the same place as I did this morning and thank god no one is sitting beside me. I need my space. I arrived at my house about 1 hour later. I stomped up to my room and laid in bed for about 10 minutes then I headed downstairs for food. I walked in the kitchen and Cameron was standing infront of the fridge with his two hands in it, searching for something to eat.

"Hey Cam!" I said pushing him out of the way so I could get something from in the fridge.

"Hey!" He whinned.  I grabbed the box of strawberries as he push me to the side. The box tipped over and the strawberries fell to the ground. I gasped and my mouth shaped into an 'O'.

"Cameron!!! Look what you did!" I looked up at him with a small smirk on my face. I can never be serious when he's around.

"What?! You started it. You pushed me first!" He defended.

"You're such a child sometimes." I laughed. We picked up the strawberries off the floor and I rinsed them. I cut the stems and placed the berries in my bowl. And I sat on a stool.

"So how was your day?" I asked popping a strawberry in my mouth.

"Oh it was good, I guess. How was yours?" He was still looking in the fridge for something to eat. I don't know if I should tell him about my situation at school or not. So I didn't.

"It was good. Ok, well I have alot of homework to do, so I'll be upstairs... doing them." I can't talk when I'm stressed. It's obvious I'm changing the subject. But Cam never asks questions. I put my bowl in the sink quickly.

"Ok then." He smirked. I stomped upstairs and went to my room. I laid in bed and sighed. I didn't actually have that much homwork to do, only one that our French teacher gave us. We have to write down verbs. There's so many verb tenses. I opened my laptop and went on a site that conjugates verbs. I typed in my verb and all the answers popped up. There! It's not that hard. I did four verbs, one duplex page per verb, so I was at the point where my hand was cramping up. I finished it up quickly and pushed it off my bed. Cameron came up and told me supper was ready so I went downstairs, ate at the dinning table with Cameron and we talked a bit. After I took my pills, brushed my teeth and headed to bed.




-Stay strong , make them wonder why you're still smiling <3

I love you xx

Irresistible // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now