Chapter 1. They don't need to know

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Simon was sitting on his bed after an exhausting day. As the leader of a superhero group, he had the biggest responsibility of them since he was accountable for making their plans work whenever they fought.

He was not used to this at all. He used to be their leader's sidekick, but his fellow superheroes didn't know that. More like didn't remember that.

Simon missed him. He missed him so badly that he was always on the verge of tears whenever he pulled out his favourite picture from his bedside table.

But he had to be strong. Strong for his team, strong for the citizens of London and strong for his sake.

After staring into space for about an hour, their alarm snapped him out of his trance, signalling they had to fly out of their house yet again.

He rushed out of his room to find their hacker Vikk who always knew the locations where they had to go.


"Oxford street. A gang is holding around twenty people in a H&m as hostages. Hurry."

"JJ, Bog, Behz quick!"

They all flew out right after their leader with their masks on.

"Situation?" Asked Behzinga.

"Twenty or more people in H&m held as hostages,Oxford street. Not heavily armed gang with AKs."

"In a H&m? Why would anyone...?"

"We've already talked about this Bog... I don't see into criminals' minds, neither do you." Harry got interrupted by the Shadow himself, Simon.

"Invisible attack it is then?" Asked KSI.


Before they reached their destination they all turned invisible as Simon was making a plan for their entrance. Police cars were gathered around the shop, policemen aming at the villains.

"Jide you see that window on the right?" Simon talked to JJ's earpiece.

"Yeah, it's slightly open."

"You have to go in first. Stealthy. I'll throw..." He bent down and picked up a bottle from the floor. "A bottle at the other window as a distraction. After I did that you fly in and take the guy with the AK, who is standing at the cash register, down."

"Got it."

"Harry you follow him, then Ethan you too. Make them pass out, hit the back of their heads in sync, nothing more. We don't need bad reputation, got it?"

"Got it." They all murmured.

Simon aimed the bottle at the window on the left. He hit it straight in the middle breaking the glass into little pieces.

JJ flew in (only visible for the heroes) and got behind his target. Harry did the same, but he had a harder task, foresmuch his one was crazily looking around for somebody who could've possible caused the horrible noise. Ethan positioned himself behind his guy too and they did what was told to them in sync as Simon now in a visible form, burst the door open and shot the last guy with a sleeping bullet.

Policemen rushed in through the door, some handcuffing the unconscious culprits, some calming the hostages down.

"Thank you for saving us." A little boy came up to Simon. "You are my idol just like The Orange Ranger was."

Simon patted his back, frowning under his mask.

"We got it under cover now, thanks boys." A lieutenant said to the now visible heroes.

The kid left Simon to hug his mum, and told her how much he looks up for The White Shadow and his crew the Sidemen.


Back in their house the boys, all the six of them, sat around in their planning table.

They never did that unless they had a cogent reason for it, for example when they needed a plan to solve an ongoing problem, or if they had to talk about something serious.

This time Ethan wanted to talk. Simon was worried. He had a feeling of what this converstations is going to be about. Him.

"Well boys." Ethan turned towards Simon with a curious look. "I had to admit something."

"That you are gay and in love with Simon? Congrats Ethan!" JJ cheered and tried to hug him.

Ethan pushed him away as Simon motioned him to continue.

"No Jide... Anyway. I never talked about this before, but... I've been having the same nightmare for three weeks now. Everytime,I see our group in a basement looking place, sitting on the floor. Tobi and Simon are crying with a guy collapsed between them, Simon whispering a name that I can never make out."

"Did the guy have a black suit on like ours just with orange stripes?" Vikk whispered.

"Yeah and dark hair and a beard." Ethan nodded.

"I've seen him too in my dreams. Almost the same scenario, but the guy is being dragged away from us by the FBI or something." JJ cut in.

"Same, but mine cuts into me reading a newspaper with the headline saying: What happened to The Orange Ranger?" Stated Tobi.

"Same, I had the exact dream as Ethan."

After Harry's statement they were all shocked except for Simon.

"The only reason I wanted to tell you guys this is because I overheard your converstation with that kid in the store earlier today Simon. That boy talked about someone called the Orange Ranger. I had a feeling this Orange Ranger guy is the one from my nightmares. Tobi kind of confirmed my theory, so I think you need to tell us something, don't you, our all mighty leader?"

A single tear rolled down the silver boy's cheek.

"I... Not now."

He got up from his chair but before he could leave the room Vikk created an invisible wall in front of him which stopped him.

"You have to tell us. We need to know."

"No you don't. You really don't..."

Simon took a sidestep and felt around the wall for its possible ends.

"If this effects you so much then you have to."

"I don't have to do shit!" Simon snapped.

"As our leader you must tell us everything that affects us." JJ got up and pushed him down on a chair.

They all looked at him in anticipation, but the boy was not willing to speak.

"Okay guys, look. I have something to tell you aswell." Tobi started. "This may sound weird, but I feel like I have known you before I met you four months ago. Like I'm missing memories or something."

"Same." They all murmured, yet again everyone, but Simon.

"Simon, you know anything about this?"

"Yes. Yes I do, but I'm not supposed to know."

"Tell us then Goddamit" JJ shouted his fist landing on the table.

"It starts with him. But now, he's gone."


Word count: 1105

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now