(Chapter 13) Christmas

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After Ginger flew away along with the other owls, I checked on the clock that was in the Owlery, and saw that I still had four hours until it's time for dinner. I decided to use my time to search up things about Nicolas Flamel.

I walked down the stairs from the Owlery and over the crunchy snow, I was close to the entrance, but then.


I felt snow smashed into my hair, I shot my eyes towards the direction of where it came from, "Who threw that snowball," I glared, I heard snickering and another snowball flew in my direction. I blocked it just in time with my forearm, 'These are charmed....'.

'Who else is good at charms other than Hermione...', another snowball smacked me in the back of the head. I dusted off the snow and stomped my foot in frustration, I then heard laughing, 'Wait, Fred and George!' . I grabbed my wand from the front pocket of my pants and stood my ground, I kept cautious of my surroundings, "Lets fight charms with charms!" I exclaimed, looking around of where the snowballs could come from.

Another snowball came flying at me, "immobulus!" I shouted and aimed at the snowball, It froze and slowly floated in the air, still going toward my direction. Soon several more snowballs came flying at my direction, "immobulus!" I exclaimed, all the snowballs stopped and kept floating.

I took the chance and ran inside the castle and strait to the library, panting and exhausted I made my way to the library. I slipped my wand back in my pocket and entered the double doors of the library, I picked a few books that I think could be useful, I sat down at a table and began to read.

. . . . . . . . . . .

After reading Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, Notable Magical Names of our TimeStudy of Recent Development in Wizardry, and even Hogwarts: A History.

So far I've found nothing on Nicolas Flamel, I dropped my head onto the table creating a loud thump noise, "Shhh..." hushed Madam Pince. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I picked up the books and placed them back on their shelf's, I glanced at a certain book that was second on row eight, I took it out decided to read it. I sat back down and flipped open to page one, I read and read until I came to one particular age. My eyes widen and I began to read the page over and over again, 'What is the Philosopher's stone?', I asked myself. I read the next page.

The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transfigurate any metal into pure gold, It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal.

There have been many reports of the Philosopher's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera lover. Mr. Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devon with his wife, Perenelle (six hundred and fifty-eight)

I was astonished by what I just have read, 'Why is Hermione asking me about this...wait, Fluffy is guarding something......that stone.......that stone was also the thing Hagrid took out of the bank at Diagon Ally, and someone wants it, so that's why Dumbledore wanted it to be protected!' , my mind felt like it was racing with information. I sighed breathlessly, 'If something like that is in Hogwarts, and is put to the max security, then someone could be looking for it in Hogwarts...'.  

I snapped out of my thoughts and checked the clock, 'Only thirteen more minutes until dinner time'. I lazily walked back to the common room, and muttered the password. I ran into the dorms at jumped onto Milly's bed. "I get this dorm all to myself!" I yelled without a care in the world. I jumped up, and jumped from bed to bed.

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