(Chapter 4) The Wand

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I reached into the pockets of my dress and pulled out two ink bombs, I only packed two because I didn't think that I needed any for a trip to Diagon Ally. In all honesty, I was just bored, and what better to fix it than covering two people I just met in ink?

I searched for them in the book shop, finally I saw them near a shadowed corner, sniggering at a book. While no one was looking, I threw the two ink bombs and fled the scene as fast as I could. Screaming and a soft explosion was heard.

I see mum and dad with a bag of purchased books, as mum placed them in her purse, which has an undetectable extension charm. "What's the rush?" Mom asked me, seeing me in fits of laughter.

"I just want to get my wand," I answered, smiling as if nothing was wrong. "Please?"

We walked to Ollivanders, talking along the way. When we arrived dad walked up to the door and held it open for my mum and I, we both walked in and inhaled the fresh smell of wood and boxes.

"Hello?" mum called out, but on one answered.  I shrugged "Maybe they're not home-" before I could finish a old man popped up from behind the counter making me jump.

 "Miss Sparks, I've been expecting you," he said holding out his hand, I slowly walked up the him and shook his hand slowly. "Now, please hold out your wand hand." he instructed.

I held out my right arm, he pulled out a measuring tape and started to measure my hands and arm.

He walked to a shelve filled with boxes and pulled one out, "Try this one, apple wood, unicorn hair, eleven inches," he handed me the wand. I gave it a light flick, red sparks shot out and shattered a vase. I smiled weakly and placed the wand on the counter.

"Nope, wasn't it." 

He and walked back to a different shelve and grabbed another box, "Now try this, beech wood, unicorn hair, thirteen inches," 

I gave it a flick, several boxes flew out of the shelves and exploded, I placed the wand on the counter and stood still.

"Nope, still not it," he rushed back to the shelves and picked out more boxes.

I've tried over twenty wands by now, and Mr. Ollivander is at the back of the building probably getting more boxes.

"Sweetie, me and your father are going to make a small trip to Gringotts, do you mind if you meet us at The Leaky Cauldron after your done getting your wand." my mum asked. I nodded as she handed me a small pouch that I'm guessing is filled with currency.

"Mum, can I also get a pet?" I asked as they were about to exit the shop. 

Dad paused and mum nodded at him, "We already got you a pet,"

"Really, what is it?" I inquired, curious.

"It's a secret." Mum whispered, and shot me a winked. She exited the shop, soon followed by dad.

I turned back to the counter, waiting for Mr. Ollivander to return. Soon he came running back, "Okay, now try this one. I'm sure that this is the one," he gave me the wand, and stared at me waiting for something to happen.

I sighed softly and gave it a wave. A gush of energy came out of the wand, sparks came out of the tips.

"Yes, I knew it was it," he said looking relieved. "This wand is made with chestnut wood, dragon heart string, and it's eleven inches." he explained.

"Interesting, how much do I owe you?" I asked still holding my new wand. 

"That will be six galleons," he answered.

I handed him the money and then left the shop, making my way to a The Leaky Cauldron.

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