(Chapter 49) Assignments And Hogsmeade

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As if life couldn't get any more exciting and weird after the First Task, to which all the champions survived and most importantly, Harry survived with a few scratches and an egg. A damned golden egg. Fred told me the day after that it sounded like a banshee's shriek, George said he still had goosebumps when he went to sleep, and I said nothing.

The worst part- the weird part, was when Snape gathered the entire Slytherin House, only fourth years and above, to meet in the Great Hall an hour after dinner had ended. The whole hall was clear of the four long tables, and in place were two small rows of chairs on either side of the room, one side of the girls, and the other side for the boys.

Spare me.

Please, just spare me.

"Spare me," I mumbled dryly to Hazel, my mind too occupied on how to tackle the prompt for my History of Magic essay. Professor Binn liked long and descriptive words, going into detail and putting evidence of a quote for context or noting down a specific page in the textbooks. Even Potions was better with Professor Snape insulting the most noticeable mistakes.

Meanwhile, to talk about the polar opposite, Pansy was messing with her hair to make it neater, giggling away with a group of girls in excitement.

Snape had his long flowing black robes behind him, hands folded in front without his wand as he paced back and forth. "The Yule Ball is a dance, which is a chance to..."

Drowning out Snape's bored tone, I turned to Hazel and sent her a wink, jokingly asking, "Want to be my date?"

Hazel covered her mouth to stop her laugh from spilling through, making it seem like she was clearing her throat, she turned to me with a grin, "Of course."

"...By the noble house of Slytherin, should any of you make a fool of yourselves during the event- rest assured you're disgracing Salazar himself..." Snape droned on until it was time for what this meeting was all about, dance lessons.

Snape called up two seventh years, a boy and a girl to do a demonstration before Snape allowed all the students to get up and find partners. Without a doubt, the girls got up eagerly while the boys attempted to look away and salvage their pride.

Among a few, I stayed seated because I didn't have the time to dance, but Hazel stayed seated because she didn't want to dance with anyone but her boyfriend. I bit my lower lip, racking my mind on whether to escape or accept my fate for tonight.

No, the essay and Potions assignment was more important than dance lessons.

I casted Malfoy a pout across the room, seeing him give me a shake of the head, gesturing to Pansy, who was quietly giggling at his side, they were going to be a pair.

I frowned and just nodded in understanding before turning to Hazel, who looked equally bored.

It wasn't that I wanted Malfoy to be my practice partner for dancing, it was that we were paired up for a Potions assignment that was due tomorrow morning. I didn't want to do the work alone. Malfoy understood and promised to do his portions of the work, half the reason was that I threatened to burst out crying and make a scene to embarrass him, the other half was cursing him with antlers.

In fact, compared to awkward dance lessons, the mountain of assignments due tomorrow was more important. Hazel's blank gaze reflected the charts she needed to memorize for tomorrow's Arithmancy quiz, which now is a subject she regretted taking.

I stepped closer to her, whispering, "You want to head back, I need to finish some homework."

Hazle turned to me, nodding eagerly, and we proceeded to sneak out of the Great Hall without Snape or Filch noticing.

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