(Chapter 44) Triwizard Announcement

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I opened my train compartment window and waved to mum and dad as they ran up. 

"Here you go!" Mum said excitedly, thrusting a neatly wrapped parcel in my hands. "Open it when it's weeks before Christmas, or hopefully before that, but do remember to open it." 

"Sure, but what's it for?" I asked. 

Dad spoke up, "Well your mum and I didn't want to ruin the surprise, but it's a dress. For a ball."

"...What?" I questioned, confused, I saw that on the requirement list has 'dress robes' on it, but I didn't think that it was serious.

"Well, this year Hogwarts is hosting a legendary tournament..." Mum paused for an effect, she then leaned in like it was top secret information, "...the Triwizard Tournament."

I nodded calmly, then my face went blank with confusion. "The what?"

"Oh Merlin, why didn't we teach you this?" Dad sighed, then told me, "To put it simple, it is a legendary tournament between three schools, the Triwizard champion will be a student representing its school, it has three extremely hard tasks and the winner gets prizes, such as eternal glory and money."

"I'm sorry, that description is blowing my fractured brain," as mum and dad looked at me concerned, I rubbed my temples and went on, "my brain cells are still healing from the exams, they murdered themselves, sorry for telling you now-" (The train whistled and the pistols hissed loudly.) "-I'll be sure to try and take in that information- bye! See you!"

I waved them goodbye and they did the same, as the train took off I carefully closed the window back down. I lifted down my trunk from the metal racks, and placed the parcel, a dress I suppose, inside, closed and then lifted it back up in the racks. Simple. Unless the trunk is almost 30 pounds like mine.

I was all alone, alone in this cozy compartment, in fact, the whole carriage I am in was empty.

Hazel wasn't here with me because she went to go sit with Rodrick Fortner, her new boyfriend. Why couldn't we all have just sat together? Oh, right, I didn't want to be the awkward third-wheel. 

"Hazel..." I wailed to myself, shifting from my sitting position to lying on my back, I let out a sighed as my muscles relaxed. After a few minutes I started to wonder if Hazel was ever coming back to me, as a joke of course, but in all seriousness, I wondered if she was going to visit me at all. 

Voices rang down the hallway, and they stopped by my compartment, it was easy to hear since no other noise was present.

"What you reckon, Fred?"

"Must be something worthy to pull on a prank on, hey what you think about dropping a water balloon on Snape?"

"-Water balloon filled with Bubotuber pus!"


"Back to the topic, what did Mum mean by something is happening at Hogwarts? A competition?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the word competition, 'Something happening at Hogwarts? Hogwarts... Hogwarts... oh...', Of course, how could I forget about the Triwizard tournament? It's a legend! A smirk made its way onto my face, and I suddenly had the urge to show off to them about what I knew. 

"Precisely!" I exclaimed, opening my compartment abruptly.

They both yelped in unison and flushed in embarrassment when they released it was me.

"Merlin's beard, Lucinda you-"

"What did you mean by that?" George interrupted, "So it's a competition?"

"Don't your parents work at the ministry?" I frowned, "Then they should've told you!"

"Mum and Dad didn't want to 'spoil the surprise' or something like that." Fred sighed.

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