(Chapter 52) Yule Ball pt.2

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Hurrying down the hallways, I checked the Great Hall first and scanned the crowds for George's red hair, only not seeing any gingers or someone close to George's height, not even Fred or Angelina.

With a sigh, I turned around to then see Poliakoff at the double doors with a friend of his.

He spotted me the next second, waving me over with a smile. "Lucinda! How vas your friend?"

"She's getting over it," I shrugged and then continued, "did you see George around? The one with the twin, red hair- messier red hair?"

Poliakoff took a moment to think, "I came back from the left hall, I think I might've seen him?"

"That jokester? He vas with his date, no? They were talking," his friend piped up, trying to probe his memories.

"I guess I'll check there, have a wonderful rest of the night?"

Poliakoff gave an encouraging smile, "Good luck! Please, go tell him."

"Bye!" I chirped happily, walking past them and out of the Great Hall.

Passing a few students with their dates, a Hufflepuff girl was crying on the stairs with her two friends comforting her, a pain going through me that I could be in an exact spot in a few minutes. 

"Yes, I zhink so..." a giggling voice came from down the other corner of the hallway, obviously a student from Beauxbatons.

"Wow, never expected that... you're really..." Another voice floated along, this one I recognized as Odessa's flirtatious tone.

I looked up to see the two older ladies, when Odessa and I met eyes, she gave a small smile and waved.

Almost a habit, I waved back at her and the other Beauxbaton girl, both a flaring red blush on their faces. The Beauxbatons girl was wearing a muted light cerulean dress, which complimented Odessa's deep violet gown. What more that surprised me, was that Odessa was holding her hand.

I looked away with a small frown, it itched in my mind to ask Odessa on where her date, George Weasley, is at and why is she with another person. Isn't this the perfect time to sneak around the castle for a snogging session? Or a confession in this cold and starlit night? Wasn't the scene practically set for me, it must be fate!

Yet there was this echo of not to get hopes up to high, or the result will be disappointing.

. . . . . .

"Have you ever wondered how Lucinda began to finally reciprocate George Weasley's crush?" Hazel Scott asked her boyfriend, Rodrick, both standing away from the dance floor with fruit punch that was not spiked by one of the upperclassmen.

Rodrick shook his head, "No, not really. Weasley never got Lucinda's interest until last year, but it wasn't like she got anything out of it, he's dating another Slytherin now. I mean... well, I don't know but maybe they got closer?"

"Who?" with the mention of three names, Hazel didn't know who Rodrick was spewing about.

"George and Lucinda. I mean, they got closer, Lucinda gave George attention, George must've felt more comfortable with Lucinda because he was trying to look at her as a friend, not as a lover."

Hazel nodded, "Well, it's not like many relationships in our youths last."

Rodrick froze and tearfully looked at Hazel, who realized her mistake and coughed, sheepishly smiling and latched into Rodrick's arm.

"I mean-! Not us! Not us," Hazel quickly defended herself and they both started laughing.

Until they calmed down, Rodrick sighed, "Back to the topic of Lucinda and George. They are the same, loving the other until it seems hopeless and forgetful, then the other begins to reciprocate."

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