(Chapter 17) End of First Year

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'Why did I have to get into this rubbish...' I cried in my mind.

He licked his lips, "Yes master, I will not fail you," he mumbled loudly, I winced, shaking with fear. He continued to walked down the hall, pocketing the small bottle. He walked down the corridor, making his way towards the staircases.

I step out from the pillar, my cockiness got to me, "I should've known, Quirinus Quirrell, pretending to be so shy and always shuddering, I should've seen right through your act." I spoke with courage, but on the inside I was scared too death.

He turned around, a smirked appeared on his face, "But you didn't see through my act, no one did, except for Snape, he saw through me instantly." he spat. My eyes widen, everything came to my mind, "You were the one that broke into Gringotts, you let the troll in on Halloween, you jinxed Harry's broom, your the one that's helping Voldemort get immortality!"

He let out an amused laugh, "You're always the smart one, that's right, I did everything. Potter and his group all thought it was Snape, which made me even more innocent."

I let out a shuddering breath, "You manipulated Hagrid into telling you about Fluffy, didn't you? That day at the pub he was at, didn't you?" I snapped.

"Yes, it was quite easy, giving him a few drinks, and the rest played out accordingly," he answered. "You're going to Fluffy tonight, aren't you?" I questioned, taking a few steps back. "Potter and his friends is going to come tonight, master and I will meet him there, in the final-"

"Take out the girl..." a voice spoke from his turban. I quickly drew my wand, pointing it at Quirrell. 'Voldemort...', I guessed in my head. 

"Yes master." he said, pointing his wand at me, he shot a spell at me with saying anything. "Protego!" I exclaimed, the spell bounced off, I was shaking with fear right now.

He shot another spell, I didn't have enough time to react, my wand flew out of my hand. It flew to his hands. I was panicking, 'A disarming spell, What do I do! What do I do!'

Without thinking, I charged at him like a bull, my head slammed into his stomach. My wand flew out of his grasp, he fell onto the ground, head first. "ARGHHHHH!" a voice screamed, and it wasn't Quirrell's. I was scared to death, but it's too late to turn back now. I punched him in the nose, and repeatedly grabbed his head and slamming it down onto the cold stone floor. The screams got louder and more angrier.

He jabbed his wand in the middle of my chest, sparks shot out of it. I was thrown back to the other side of the corridor, slamming into the wall. I fell onto the ground.

I coughed up blood, my head was throbbing with pain, my whole body felt bruised. I looked up to see Quirrell running up the stairs. I used all my strength, and sat up. 

I looked around, the dark, empty, moonlit hallways and corridors was all I saw. My head was still throbbing with pain, blood was dripping down my chin, my whole body felt bruised.

I sat there breathing in and out, for half an hour thinking of what I should do. I then remembered that I had a ink bomb, I grabbed it from a pocket in my cloak.

'Good luck Harry, Hermione, Ron', I said in my mind. I threw the ink bomb a few meters from me, and ducked down.


After the loud explosion, ink spattered everywhere. I looked up, and smiled proudly at how the twins made the ink bombs. Seconds later, loud footsteps echoed the corridor. "Miss Sparks," a voice said softly, I guessed was a Professor, "Lucinda!" two voices exclaimed, one was a girl and the other was a boy.

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