(Chapter 3) Diagon Ally

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I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains, I yawned and sat up, starting to stretch out my arms. Today was the trip to Diagon Ally, and I was more excited than ever. 

I jumped off my bed and sprinted to the bathroom; I brushed my teeth, and combed my wavy dark brown hair. I wore a dark blue dress with a lace collar, a pair of black flats and white socks. After going downstairs for breakfast and reading the Daily Prophet, (mum read the Witch Weekly magazines), we went to the fireplace. 

"Remember to meet us by Flourish and Blotts." dad instructed me, taking a handful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace, he said the words very clearly as he threw down he powder. "Diagon Ally!"

Dad was then engulfed with green fire, and then disappeared. 

"Now, Lucinda dear, would you like to go next?", Mum said holding the cup of floo powder in front of me. I nodded and grabbed a handful of floo powder, and walked into the fireplace. I cleared my throat, not wanting to mess up and ending up somewhere I don't know. I took a deep breath and glanced at my mum, "Diagon Ally!"

I was engulfed by green flames within seconds, it felt like I was being sucked into a tube, twisted and contorted. It was not my favorite way to travel.

I fell out of a fireplace and was on my feet, but crashed into someone knocking us both down.

"Ouch! Hey that really hurts!" the boy exclaimed, I see strands of red hair.

Dusting off ashes and dust we were covered in, we both looked at each other at the same time. He had bright orange reddish hair, brown eyes, and fair skin, he was wearing a cloak that has the Gryffindor house crest and a sweater with the letter 'G', along with black trousers. 

We both scanned each other up and down, until he finally spoke. "Well aren't you going to apologize?" he huffed.

I scoffed and crossed my arms, "You were the one that was standing in front of the fireplace waiting for someone to fall and knock you over, how was I suppose to know that you were standing there. You should apologize."

I should be the one apologizing, but I wasn't going to apologize if he was going to be ruse about the matter.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, matching my movements, "And how was I suppose to know that someone was going to fall through that fireplace?"

A few seconds of silence passed.

"Whatever!" we both exclaimed, we both walked away in the opposite direction.

. . . . .

I tried to find Flourish and Blotts with the common route I usually took, within five minutes I was in front of the book shop. I walked in and my mood was soon ruined by that boy I saw earlier, he was walking with someone who looked exactly like him, and at that moment I realized that they're twins.

The other one wore the same thing, but his sweater has the letter 'F'. 

Now there's two of them. Great.

When we had both noticed each other, a glare was stationed on our faces. His twin snickered, and whispered something in his ear.

I could already tell which twin is which. The boy who glared at me has darker eyes, and two freckles on his neck. The boy who snickered has lighter eyes and a freckle above his eyebrow, and one on the left side of his nose. I just don't know their names yet.

"Sweetie there you are!" both mum and dad called at the same time. I turned around and saw them carrying large bags, 'How did they get so much stuff in such a short time?'  I thought looking at those bags that look like they can explode at any moment.

 "Mum, what are in those bags?" I asked, while the twins started walking away, probably getting their mum and dad because their eyes widened when they saw my parents.

"Oh, dear it's your robes, cauldron, and other supplies. We haven't gotten your wand yet though." mum said while taking out a black cloak from one bag.

 "We also got you a cloak you can use at Hogwarts," dad grinned, holding it up for me to see.

 I smiled and nodded happily, mum smiled and putted the cloak back in the bag. 

"Oh my, Kathy is that really you!" I heard a voice call out my mums name. I turned around and saw a plump woman with ginger hair coming over to us.

"Molly, its been such a long time!" My mum responded running over to her, and engulfed her with one of her bone crushing hugs. 'Wait she looks a lot like-' , I saw them again, it was those red haired twins, they were both watching from a distance. Of course that woman had to be their mother, I glared at the dark eyed one and he just looked away. 

"Oh, this must be Lucinda." the woman said turning towards me. "Oh, its so nice to finally meet you," she enveloped me with a hug which I hugged back.

She pulled away, turning towards my parents. "Oh, it's been such a long time since we met in person. I see that Lucy and Larin's daughter has grown up quite a lot." 

They both nodded and smiled widely.

"Let me introduce you to the twins," she smiled as she waved her hands at both of her children. 

They walked over to us and started to introduce themselves. "Hi, I'm Fred." said the one with lighter eyes, "And I'm George," said the one with darker eyes, they both turned to me and asked in unison, "And what's your name?"

I had to admit that it was creepy when they spoke like that.

"Sweetie we're going to get your books, you can stay here and talk to the twins." Mum told me, I just nodded. When they had left me with the twins, I just stared at them blankly, unsure of what to say.

"Aren't you going to tell us your name? " George asked, his twin nodded. 

"You're going to know soon enough, so there's no reason to tell you," I said coolly, they both looked at each other confused, "What?" Fred asked with a confused expression.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to be a first year at Hogwarts, so my name will be announced at the sorting." 

They seemed a bit taken aback at my tone of voice.

I look at their cloaks, the Gryffindor symbol on the right breast side. "Gryffindors," I said. "Well I know I'm getting into Ravenclaw or Slytherin."

"Slytherin is the evil house, not surprising that you'll fit in," George muttered not to quietly.

"Hey!" I scoffed. "Well Gryffindors are just reckless, not surprising that you're in that house."

George shook his head, "Not all of us are reckless."

"And not all of us are evil." I shot back, turning around and walking away.

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