(Chapter 45) Entering Names

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I felt tired and restless, having stayed up till midnight to finish reading up to chapter ten in my History of Magic textbook. I would have passed the subject last year and the year before if it wasn't so boring. However, it is better than learning in a muggle school. 

"Have some tea," Hazel poured me a cup of earl grey at the breakfast table, it was way too early to get up from bed and have breakfast and have a whole day of classes to attend.  

"Thanks." I murmured, glancing down the table to see Odessa rushing to the Gryffindor table for George, asking him if they had any of the same class. I hoped not. I waited impatiently for Snape to hand me my timetable, and when he did I almost snatched it out of his hand. "What do you have?" I asked Hazel, she looked at hers. 

"Defence is first, then Herbology..." I listed off, we placed our time tables side by side, suddenly another joined ours. "Wait what-" I looked up and saw Rodrick. 

"Haz, we have Arithmancy together," he said, jumping into the seat to the right of Hazel, he grabbed a piece of bacon and began to eat. 

"Uh- yeah, brilliant." Hazel replied, a bit off tone. I noticed how she was still sad from last night, seeing Rodrick, her boyfriend, gawking at another girl. Hazel straightened up, wanting to change the subject, "Luci, I see that we have Frog Choir after lunch." 

"Oh, right, I wonder what is served for lunch," I piped up. To be completely honest, I wish they would serve custard instead of all these foreign dishes, as selfish as that sounded. 

"Hello, Lucinda!" Poliakoff spoke as he sat down next to me, extending his hand out for me to shake, I did and greeted him kindly in response. 

"Good morning." I smiled. 

Hazel covered her mouth and turned to Rodrick, silently gasping and squealing. I scoffed and turned to look at them while Poliakoff chatted with his friends. "Come on, it's not like that." I brushed it off. 

"I think he's a bit more than interested, don't you think, Haz?" Rodrick smirked. 

Hazel nodded in agreement.  

"He's just nice," I protested. 'Plus, I looked into his mind already, no bad thoughts...' 

"Maybe it's time to replace George," said Hazel, a bit hesitant and jokingly. I glanced at George at the other end of the room, he looked happy, happy with Odessa who was next to him, laughing at what he said. "Luci, I don't want to sound harsh but maybe it's time to give up." Hazel said softly.  

I looked down, a bit disappointed. "I know, but I don't think I can anytime soon. It's just a school girl crush, it'll go away soon enough." but it hasn't gone away during the summer, if anything it had only gotten stronger.  

"Hey," Rodrick swallowed a piece of toast. "This Poliakoff bloke is actually not that bad, did you read his mind yet?" 

I stopped for a second and looked at Hazel, "You told him that I'm a Legilimens, too?" 

Hazel shrugged, looking guilty. "It slipped one day, last year." 

I answered Rodrick's question, "Yes, no bad intentions." 

Rodrick said to Hazel, "You think he'll just be a distraction from George?" 

"Maybe," Hazel shrugged. 

"You know I'm right here, right?" I deadpanned, they laughed and we then went back to looking at our schedules. "Oh look, Defence Against the Dark Arts on Thursday, and History of Magic with Ravenclaw, and double Potions with Gryffindors on Friday-" 

"Oh, Herbology after lunch, how nice." Hazel interjected, "and Charms on Wednesdays and Fridays."  

We spent the rest of breakfast time talking, and when it was time to leave and go to our first class. All three of us went to History of Magic with the Ravenclaws, a class that I was dreading while Hazel and Rodrick found it quite easy. 

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