(Chapter 40) Hazel's Problems

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The Christmas holidays had been fun with Fred and George. They lifted my foul mood and included me their pranks, even dragged me with them to explore hidden parts of the castle. Even though we lost a couple of points from our houses, it was worth it. However, a new term had started and we were all back on tight class schedules.

"Hey, Fred, George," I waved to them when we passed by each other in the crowded hallways. They waved back enthusiastically and gave me their iconic grin.

Hazel was walking by my side, normally she would tease me, but she hadn't spoken much since she got back from her Christmas holidays. She'd only nod, or speak in short sentences. I was beginning to worry.

I tried to focus on her eyes, wanting to read her thoughts, and maybe find out what was wrong. I couldn't go into her memories, as I only had enough skill to find her current thoughts. However, even Hazel's current thoughts didn't help me find out why she's in a depressed mood. I had tried asking her, but she would only ignore my attempts, then not speak to me for the rest of the day.

I had even asked Rodrick Fortner about Hazel, but he too didn't know what had affected her.

I sat on the common room couch, close to the fire, doing my History of Magic homework for extra credit. Binns had told me my low grades and I figured it was best if I did extra work to bring my grade up, so that's what I did. While I was doing extra work, Hazel was in the workshop, saying that it would be easier for her to read the Arithmancy textbook in silence.

Normally I would be out in the Quidditch during that time, but after how Harry fell from over two hundred feet and broke his broom, and how George held a grudge against me after, I had finally resigned. Flint was furious at the news and replaced me with Derrick, a great dent in the team, almost immediately. The rest of the team either ignored me or sneered at me in the hallways for backing out.

. . .

I sighed and roughly opened the door to the workshop after checking if anyone was around. it had been a tough day, and to top it off I had detention with Snape for falling asleep during today's lesson. It wasn't my fault that Snape's voice sounded so emotionless and boring.

Instead of just Hazel in the workshop, there was also Fortner, who was helping Hazel with a worksheet. That was impossible, with the charms I casted there's no way Fortner could've entered without my permission.

I closed the door before asking in shock, "Fortner, how did you get-"

"The charms and enchantments are simple to break," he answered bluntly, cutting me off. "You see, they seemed advanced to the eye, but a simple-"

"You're making me feel bad, Fortner," I muttered jokingly, after a few weeks I've grown a bit fond of him. "You know what? You can stay. But please don't be annoying."

"Got it," he replied, grinning.

"So, how's it going, Hazel?" I asked, sliding into the seat next to her.

She nodded back with a small smile, "Great, you're tea helped."

I nodded. "The one infused with the calming draught? Don't take much though."

"Why?" asked Hazel as she took another sip of the tea infused with calming draught.

"There isn't a good recipe for it in the diary," I pulled out the black leathered bound diary from my book bag, holding it up to her. "Drink too much and your mind will become blank. I don't know how long it'll last."

"Maybe it will numb away the pain." Hazel lowered her gaze to the table and set aside the teacup.

"Okay, what is wrong?" I deadpanned immediately after what she said. "Hazel, you can't just ignore the subject here, as your friend I want to know your problems, only if you let me."

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