(Chapter 14) The Mirror

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I walked into the Great Hall, the bewitched ceiling was snowing like always. I was trying to decide which table to sit at, 'Slytherin or Gryffindor', I wondered and stared at both tables. George noticed and stood up from his seat and quickly walked to me, "Hello Lucinda," he started. I gave him a small smile, he looked at my hairband and stared at it, "Is there something wrong?" I asked. "Well, your hairband is crooked." he stated, I reached up to my head to fix it, but he beat me to it. "Here, there it better now," he laughed and fixed my hairband.

"Thank you, George." I smiled, "Come on, everyone is waiting," George smiled back, he took my hand and leaded me to the Gryffindor table. I sat next to George while he sat next to Fred. Harry, Ron, and Percy sat across from us. We all exchanged smiles too each other, I glanced up to the staff table, all staff members was smiling at all of our happy faces, well except for Snape and Filch, but Filch didn't count as a staff member.

"Let the feast began." Dumbledore addressed and the feast appeared on the decorated tables along with wizard crackers.  

I gasped at everything that appeared on the table, "Wicked," I gasped and clapped my hands together. "That's cute." I hear George mutter, 'Who's he talking to?', I wondered. Almost everyone picks up a wizard cracker, and proceeded to open it.

There was loud bangs and canon fire sounds, blue smoke was everywhere, variety of toys and party favors dropped. "Woah, I got a witches hat!" I exclaimed happily. "White mice," the twins said in unison, "I got a wizard chess set!" said Harry breathlessly. We all laughed at what we got from the magical crackers.

I removed my hairband and proceeded to put on the hat, "I reckon you should just stick with your hairband." George commented. I shrugged and placed the hat on top of my head, "I never actually wore one of these hats, so I think I'll try it for now," I shrugged and piled food onto my plate.

I swear that I never had Christmas dinner this amazing.

On the tables was hundreds of fat, roasted turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potato's; platters of chipolatas; tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce, and stacks of wizard crackers every few feet along the table. There was so much food, I kept refilling my plate every minute.

Soon the beautiful desserts appeared after the food, there was different varieties of cake; huge puddings; fruit tarts; massive treacle tarts, chocolates of all sorts, and there was also french macrons. However that wasn't all, a huge glass bowl appeared in front of me.

I covered my mouth with both my hands, "Custard!" I squealed in surprise, I clapped my hands together and squealed loudly. 'YES! YES! YES!', I squealed in my happy mind. In front of me was my favorite dessert, hot vanilla custard with cookies crumbs on top.

Everyone was laughing and giving me happy smiles, I piled custard onto my plate and ate huge spoonful's of it, 'Thank you too who ever did this!', I thanked in my mind while closing my eyes.

I ate one-third of the huge bowl of custard, and that was a lot of custard. "I'm full," sighed Ron, Harry nodded and patted his stomach. "Same." the twins said in unison.

"Yep, might of had a little to much custard," I said and rubbed my stomach, "More like a lot of custard." George commented. I punched him in the arm and laughed, "Yeah, I had a lot," I restated.

After a small while of chatting, George stared at my bracelet, "Did you get that for Christmas." inquired George. I nodded happily, "Yeah, it's really beautiful, but I'm not sure who sent it though." I said dreamily. His facial expressions looked relieved, "Do you know who sent it?" I asked obliviously. He shook his head and blushed, Fred was giving George a massive grin.

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