(Chapter 30) Petrified Friends

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Ever since Hazel told Pansy and Millicent about the pink flower by my bedside table, they've been bugging me about it ever since, asking if I fancy someone, or if I accepted one of the confessions. The answer was simple, no, no I haven't and possibly never will.

Other than that, the trio had filled me up with one of their discoveries while we were at the library. I was most shocked by Harry saying that it was Hagrid who opened the chamber.

"Guys, whatever you think as of now, it's not Hagrid," I said with a chuckle, not believing their assumptions. 'Trust me cause I've read his mind...'

"Lucinda- I saw it with my own eyes, Riddle showed me with his diary." Harry protested, getting irritated by the second. "I saw the beast, it looked like- a large spider or something like that,"

The name Riddle clicked in my brain, but I quickly shook off the thought. "I think that's an Acromantula, you would know if you've read Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them." In the corner of my eye, I could see Hermione beaming at me. "Plus, it's the heir of Slytherin and the Slytherin's monster, so shouldn't it be a snake or something?"

"I thought about that too, but what are the chances?" said Hermione as she wrote a few sentences for her Charms essay. "We also decided that we're not going to say anything to Hagrid unless there was another attack. Oh, and Harry isn't hearing a voice anymore, which is a relief if you ask me."

I shrugged, "Good decision I guess," glancing at the old grandfather clock I saw that it was time to go back to the workshop. "Oh, time to go- for me that is. I think flowering tea is ready, you guys want some? It's basically a bundle of dried tea leaves wrapped around one or more dried flowers, and after you pour hot water and let it sit- they bloom and look really pretty."

"No thanks," they all said together while shaking their head politely.

I sighed, "If you insist, it's my first time making them, and with carnations and roses, I just hope it tastes good," waving goodbye I skipped my way out of the library, excited to drink my first flowering tea.

. . . . .

The second years were given something new to think about during our Easter holidays. The time had come to choose their subjects for our third year. Hermione had taken this very seriously, saying that this could affect our whole future, which was somewhat true in my opinion.

"We must choose Care of Magical Creatures," Hazel squealed as we pored over the list of new subjects, we marked that subject with a checkmark. "What else should we do?"

"Divination sounds fun, I think it'll be a simple subject," I replied, marking it with my quill. "Hermione's taking all of them, crazy right? How is she going to do so many at once?"

Hazel shrugged, "How about Muggle Studies?"

"I hate muggles," I said coolly. "You can choose it but I'm not, anyway- we're still doing Frog Choir next year, right?"

Hazel nodded with a smile, "Of course, it's really fun, and mum said that I should take Ancient Runes, what about you?"

"Nah, Ancient Runes isn't my stuff, hey- isn't Arithmancy just math? Mum knows I hate math, yet she still recommended it."

"I love math, so I shall take that class," Hazel chirped, putting a checkmark on that class with a smile. "So I'll just have Arithmancy, Frog Choir, Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures."

" And I'll have Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and the choir next year," I puffed my chest out in a prideful way, dipping my quill in ink I scribbled my signature on the bottom. "I have succeeded in filling out the rest of my life!"

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