disclaimer + prologue

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I do not own any characters, dialogue, plot and works of the Harry Potter franchise. I only own my original characters, dialogue and plot, please do not steal or otherwise copy any of the characters or plot lines. If you are simply against anything in this story then please quietly exit out. Thank you for understanding.

Another thing, this book was under major construction in the beginning. I had written this book when I was young and my writing was not the best. Please understand that many small changes are made. I will be putting this book on hold for the time being, and continue it when I can. 



It was odd for a pure-blooded witch, me, Lucinda Sparks to live in the muggle part of London. Not to mention attending a muggle secondary school. It was something I hated while growing up, muggles, and a non-magical school.

For the most part of childhood had been normal, for a witch at least. Experiences of accidental magic weren't the worst, but also not the best if I would count that one time where the telly blew up while I was watching an animated cartoon.

I lived in number Five Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Next door neighbor of the famous Harry Potter, I had found out by reading a few magic history books my adoptive parents owned. It would be an honor to most wizards and witches to live next to The-Boy-Who-Lived, but I honestly couldn't give less of a damn. His aunt and uncle were horrible people anyways.

Students from that muggle school will often call me a freak, but I get my revenge by using things at my hand. Such as getting hit by my ink bombs that I made at home from my mother ink bombs recipe in her diary, or destroying their belongings without them knowing it was me. Call me a bully, but it was just protection from those who can harm me. 

My mother's diary was something my adoptive parents had found in the pile of ash of what was once my home, they gave it to me, the charred edges of the book and the recipes of tea, notes, and miscellaneous objects.

Ever since I was little I've always had curiosity bubbling inside of me, which eventually lead me to a lot of trouble, and I bet that it'll go the same way at Hogwarts.

Legilimency ran in my father's side of the family, but I don't use it often since I thought that it was simply unnecessary.

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