(Chapter 53) Yule Ball pt.3

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Once I had gotten back to the spot of the outside corridor, looking in all directions but never even see George's shadow, the last hope in my heart dropping into my stomach as I felt stupid. Wondering what I was thinking was going to happen, to see George here waiting for me that left him? If I was George, I wouldn't have given myself another chance, but that was just my shallow outlook in love, and it always has been.

Maybe this shallow thought of love I had just limited what I could think love can be, therefore not letting me develop my feelings for George, only stuck at a state of thinking it will come and go. It's not like love ever lasted within the younger years of someone's life, but that didn't mean George and I couldn't be the exception.

I sat down on the stone steps, brushing away the bit of fallen snow and sighed to myself, and began to think of ways to possibly serenade him.

. . . . . .

Half frustrated with himself, George Weasley walked back into the Great Hall, going directly to Fred and Angelina talking at the refreshment table. The two twins looked at each other, and Fred's eyes didn't need to look around to find that Lucinda was not with him.

"Where's Lucinda?" Fred bluntly asked, trying to deliver a smile to brush off that everything does not look okay.

George looked away, shaking his head, "I think I blew it 'cause I just told her that has much more to look forward to..."

"No! No, you didn't!" Fred gasped, scandalized, "Georgie! You didn't, you did not reject her because you thought she could do better than you! You are officially the dumbest twin."

Angelina placed a hand on Fred's arm, pulling him back one step before clearing her throat. "George, I really think you two are overthinking it."

"Of course they are!" Fred hissed, the consequence being Angelina slapping his arm. "Sorry- I mean, it's just two people saying they've liked each other for a couple of years! Georgie, how did you mess this up?"

George contemplated, depressed before a brilliant idea popped into his mind. "Freddie, I need you to switch cloaks with me- give me that-"

"What-!? Stop stripping my-"

Angelina jumped in to help get Fred's cloak off his figure.

. . . . .

I think I had forgotten what the word serenade means, but something I can picture Harry doing and failing terribly, but still get the one he is trying to impress. That's just the luck Harry might have, a luck I don't get to have.

"How do I serenade George?" I said aloud to myself, a bubble forming in my mouth like a pout.

"You what?" A figure plopped down beside me.

I flinched at the sudden intrusion, my hopes getting up at the sound of George's voice before seeing Fred's black robes, and didn't bother looking up to see the face I already knew.

"It's you, why aren't you inside with Angelina," I said, dejected before trying to brighten up, "I feel like you're here to convince me that George is just being a dimwit."

Fred gave a laugh, "I think he really likes you, just a bit confused if it's right or not."

I shook my head and said, "Right or wrong, two years is nothing. Yeah, next year is his last year, and then I get two more years here, but I can wait. We both waited for more. I don't get what the big deal is."

"Lucinda, look up."

I turned my head to look at Fred and my brown eyes went wide after seeing a difference in his features, lips parted in shock.

"George?" it was not Fred who had sat down next to me on the stone steps.

"I think we can be official now," George gave a mischievous grin, a hand behind my head and another tilted my chin, in a quick swoop he had leaned down and pressed our lips together.

Tears seemed to well up in my eyes from joy, even though the kiss was short and chaste, it left a searing fire sensation everywhere on my body, the cold even less bothering. For a second I couldn't believe if what was happening was real, or if it was me being delusional. The more I stare at George with my hand cupping his face, the more I love him, finding every freckle and blemish.

"Why did you stop?" I whispered out a question, arms wrapping around his neck to press back in- pushing both of us onto the snowy grass.

Once George hit the ground, he let out a laugh and I realized he cushioned my fall by having my cheek rest on his chest, and his hand cradling my head that is tangled with locks of my hair.

"Oi, aren't you going to apologize?" George said softly with an amused smile, love showing through his eyes.

I smiled back teasingly because of the memory that came back to me, the day we first met, both stupidly tumbling down a fireplace in Diagon Alley and blaming each other for the collision. Whether what George said was a coincidence or if he was reminded of it, none of it mattered now.

"You were the one that started the kiss. You should apologize."

"And how was I supposed to know you're going to be so unhinged?"

"Unhinged?" I gasped, faking to take offense to it yet everything melted away once we bore into each other's eyes.

With a small breath, in unison we both said, "Whatever..."


Authors Note: ah yes this was the 850+ words that did not make it into part two, mostly because I could not think of how to end the confession scene. Therefore, stay tuned for the epilogue (+surprise poem) and side extras. ( ̄▽ ̄)

Thank you all for sticking with me on this journey, it will soon be sober but thou shan't fret, thou shan't be pesky, because I (the author) will finish this and send you all off with a piece of toasted bread with a spread of your choice, my favorite is strawberry jam.

(^^) BYE

¬) MY



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