(Chapter 15) Norbert the Dragon

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"So, after the feast you sneaked into the library, saw Harry under an invisibility cloak, got blasted by a spell and got a cut on the cheek, all by Snape. He took your wand, then the twins got it back for you the next day. You forgot that you left your hat and hairband at the library, so Snape brought it to you, he knows that your the one at the library. You've found information on a person and a stone, you found out what Fluffy is guarding, you told Dumbledore this. Oh, and then you got a bracelet from someone on Christmas!" Hazel exclaimed dumbfounded.

"Yes, that's what happened." I said firmly, her eyes were wide as circles. "Wow, I missed all of this! during my break!" she cried. I just nodded with a blank face, she shook her head unbelievably, "How did you get into this rubbish?" she questioned.

I shrugged nervously, "Not sure, I asked myself that question when all this happened."

Hazel looked bewildered, "I still just can't believe that rubbish adventure of yours," she said.

 "It's not an adventure, it was more like a horrible surprise. I was horrified when Snape gave me my things back, I swear that I almost screamed." I laughed.

"Yeah, I see how you would freak out, is your cheek healing well? Maybe Madam Pomfrey should look at it-" she said worriedly, "I'm fine Hazel, the small scar is going to heal, unlike werewolf scars." I muttered.

She looked at the scar on my cheek, "Luci, it's not a small scar, it's about three or four inches long-"

"Hazel your not helping!" I exclaimed dramatically, and threw my arms around, she laughed and rubbed my cheek with her thumb. "Okay, thrust me Luci, it's going to heal soon. I've gotten plenty scars like yours, from taking care of animals, mostly magical ones." she said, and muttered the last part.

"Thanks, that was comforting..." I muttered sarcastically, she playfully punched me in the arm. "Well, I guess what I said really doesn't help the situation," she laughed. Pansy suddenly burst into the dorm room, "Hey! are you guys going to the quidditch match today!" she shrieked gleefully.

"Yeah, when do we leave?" Hazel and I said in unison. "You guys are like sisters! or even like twins!" Pansy giggled. Hazel and I chuckled softly, "So when do we leave?" we asked in unison while grinning.

"Right now of course," Pansy smiled, and placed both hands on her hips, I raised an eyebrow, "I thought you didn't like sports?" I said in a confused tone.

"I didn't, but not until Draco invited me to come with him!" she squealed joyfully.

"Are you in love~" Hazel teased, Pansy blushed and covered her red cheeks with her hands. "No! I'm not at all!" she blushed. "Sure, yeah..." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Wait, is Millicent coming?" Hazel asked. Pansy shrugged, "I thinks she might be hanging out with Daphne."      

"Well, she's not into sports either," said Pansy. "Lets go now, we have to get the best seats!" Hazel declared.

I then started my rambling, "I think we should get the ones that are on the Gryffindor side, Hufflepuff doesn't take much action, most of the time the hoops for Gryffindor is on the left side. I'm rooting for Gryffindor, because Hufflepuff haven't got any good members, the only good member is their seeker, and all the girls love him like he's amazing. I mean, what's so good about Ced-"

"We know how much you love quidditch, but you don't have to get a whole speech for the games." Hazel interrupted. "Yeah, yeah, come on now! Draco is waiting in the common room!" Pansy shrieked excitedly. We laughed and grabbed our cloaks.

"Is your scar okay? does it hurt? do you want to visit the hospital wing? are you sure you're-" Pansy asked me worriedly, but I cut her off. "My little tiny scar is alright, it doesn't hurt Pansy." I replied. Pansy fastened her cloak, "But it's not little or tiny, it's about three to four inches-".

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