(Chapter 48) Place Your Bets

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"I don't want to see death!" I shouted, clinging tightly to my bedpost as Hazel was pulling my leg along with Pansy, they both were giggling madly at my fruitless struggling.

"Come on! Potter can actually die," Pansy commented happily.

"That's why I don't want to witness it!"

Pansy eventually gave up, saying how she needed to go meet with Millicent and her other friends for breakfast before going down to the stands, wanting to get the best seats.

Hazle stayed but gave up. "What can I do to convince you, Luci?"


"You don't even know what the first task is going to be, it could be a duel for all we know."

"But it's supposed to be dangerous, a duel is just stupid."

"Harry lived three years in this school, adding on this one, and after everything, he's still not dead. Loosen yourself up a little."

She had a decent point, but nonetheless, what sold me out was my hunger. "Fine, fine!" I let go of my bedpost, and Hazel threw a jumper at face.

She giggled as we headed out of the dormitories, I could only grab two slices of toast before Hazel dragged me out of the Great Hall, eager to get the best seats in the stadium.

On the cobblestone pathway, in front were the blasted red-headed twins along with Lee Jordan, coming down the way, screaming, "Place your bets!" "Bets here! Bets taken!" The betting boxes they had were briefcases with a strap attached to it, messy chalk writings with numbers I could barely read.

"Dear Merlin," I scratched my nose, looking at how they shamelessly kept up their enthusiastic yells to place bets. Hazel felt different, ran up, and placed three sickles on betting for Viktor Krum, I followed behind her quickly and stuffed down the last bite of toast.

"Lucinda! Mate, who'd you bet on?" George nudged me with a grin.

"I guess if I don't bet on Harry, he's going to be sour about it," I commented, making Fred laugh, and pulled out my small pouch of currency. "Don't have much at the moment, actually."

I placed two sickles under Cedric's name and three under Harry's name.

"'Right then, show some house support for Harry-!" Fred stuck a swirly red and gold badge onto my jacket, and it held its place. "Oh, uh- that won't come off for a while, don't mind it."

"Where's mine?" Hazel probed, crossing her arms.

"Fresh out," Fred replied back.

I stifled a laugh at Hazel's frown and Fred's smug gaze, George handed his betting box off to Lee Jordan before approaching me. "Come on, I got something to show you." George patted my arm, and Hazel shot me a nod; she would go meet up with Rodrick anyways.

"Sure, is it some cool herb?" I asked as I followed his lead almost back to the direction of the castle.

"Uh, not really, it's cooler! Way cooler, most wicked things ever."

Upon walking past Hagrid's hut and Beaxubaton's pristine carriages, I realized he was leading me into the forest, not the forbidden part, that is.

"So Fred actually told me you've been dying to know about what's in it for the First Task," George began.

I nodded eagerly as we strolled into the forest, "also, my brother, Charlie, actually works with these magical creatures."

I stuck out my tongue, thinking what his second brother did for a job before it popped to me. George grabbed my hand and pulled us down to hide behind a bush, I pointed for us to peak up.

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