(Chapter 24) Tampered Bludger

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The first Quidditch game of the season has finally come.

As the team and I entered the Great Hall, the Slytherins greeted us with a roar of applause and cheers, the other houses hissed and jeered, and gave us nasty looks.

I settled down next to Hazel, who was already piling up my plate with hash browns, fried tomatoes, fried eggs, toast, sausages, and baked beans.

"Eat, you need the energy to play today." Hazel smiled while pouring me a cup of Dandelion Root Tea. "Would you like some milk and sugar?"

"No thanks," I replied, picking up the cup if tea and taking a sip.

"No offence, but it's surprising that you, a girl, got on the Slytherin Quidditch team. That usually never happens, you know? I mean, Flint never takes any girls on the team," Hazel said after a while of eating.

"That's because I'm far to useful to him." I replied in a whisper, not wanting any teammates to over hear. "You know I'm friends with three people that's on the Gryffindor team, and my knowledge for Quidditch tactics and schemes are far too useful to him to pass out on."

"Are you saying he's using you?" questioned Hazel with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Not exactly, he put me in Beater position because I was best at try outs. But if I break any of the rules he's set, or if I turn out useless like Higgs did like last year, then you can say I'm kicked off the team in a snap,"

"That's harsh," Hazel replied in a hush tone, shaking her head in disbelief.

"That's Quidditch." I said, shrugging a shoulder at her.

Hazel scoffed, "Say that if you want,"

"Also, remember, I do play dirty on the pitch. And I ask you not to judge me,"

Hazel gave me a knowing look, "You told me that a bunch of times, and you don't need to remind me. Remember that one practice you've had, you've nearly broke Pucey's entire arm when you used him as a demonstration as a Gryffindor chaser." 

"I know, but I was teaching how they should treat them once they got the Quaffle."

"Alright then, if you say so," said Hazel. "But since you're not yourself during Quidditch, shouldn't you tell someone in Gryffindor so they don't go against you too much?"

"I already explained it too the trio, and the twins, they understand, I guess."

. . .

The team and I all sat down to listen to Flint's pep talk, he looked excited, as if he already won the match.

"We got better brooms than them, that's number one," he began. "And number two, we got the strategy-" ("Tactic..." I muttered, making Flint nod quickly) "-Tactic, that Sparks has taught us, this will ensure us to score the most points,

"Bole, you better not hit Sparks with your club again, or else I'll personally torture you. Pucey, and Derrick, I need you guys to focus more on the Quaffle than your own surrounding. Bletchley, you won't have to do much, but if the Gryffindorks-" (The boys and I erupted into fits of laughter) "Quiet. As I was saying, if they do somehow get the Quaffle and make it towards the goal, I need you to block it and pass it to one of the Chaser personally, fly past the field if you have too-"

Flint shot me a stern look, "Remember Sparks, no helping the rival team, if any of us catch you then you're off the Quidditch team at that exact moment."

"Yes, Captain," I replied, trying not to let the stares from the boys bother me. "I will not show a bit of kindness to them once we're on the field."

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