Lets finish this, one last time.

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So over the years I've drifted apart from Harry Potter. I don't dwell on, or think of this fic often anymore, if at all, but I do joke about it with my friend. At this point, I forgot what even happened in the story for the most part, you guys (the readers) know it better than I do now.

If I were to write a new one then the child-wonder of Keys to My Heart would be lost, because the new plot and theme I thought of is far from the happy ending I intended for this fic.

There would be many aspects I wouldn't be happy with, if I were to continue this fic. The majority of the plot and idea was doomed from the start, since half the times I made things up as I write.

Lucinda as a character herself is way too far-fetched, a Slytherin who is friends with the Golden Trio? Her mother had a diary of all castle secrets and information on people? She casually calls Snape by his first name? How could she be so oblivious about how George had a crush on her? A whole workshop in an empty classroom? Lucinda is a Legilimen?? I don't even remember why anymore.

I introduced Rodrick Fortner just to serve as a love interest to Hazel and make a dramatic death toward the end. Hazel's mom only died to serve as a reason for Hazel to mourn and be distanced always from Lucinda. It would take so many more chapters and one year each does George give Lucinda a charm to add to her bracelet, it was too tiresome. This is only the beginning of what now bothers me.

To write these chapters, I've spent hours on end looking at the books and movies in order to write the important scenes accurately as possible, the hard work put in was the result of this fic. If I continued this fic it would not be as genuine as it was in the past.

Overall, with all these small mistakes and bothering plot lines, I did come up with a new fic idea that is similar but is nowhere close to the bright and comedic story as Keys To My Heart.

So in the end, I would either continue this one and keep the small mistake or write an entirely new and separate story that might not satisfy the majority.

But for my last act on this fic, I've decided to continue this until I reach the Yule Ball and make the final chapter there. If until then I decide a rewrite would be favorable, then I'll do a rewrite.

I am grateful for all the support you've all given me, and the way I want to repay it is to give a decent ending that would fulfill my promise to you as a writer, that is enjoying a good story. I can't promise that the writing or ending is going to be exceptional, but I will try my best.

And for old times sake...

(^^) BYE

¬) MY



Keys To My Heart {G. WEASLEY}Where stories live. Discover now