(Chapter 42) A Different Rejection

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Exams were right around the corner, and the level of stress I was on is above terrible, I don't remember the last time I've done anything other than studying. Right now, I've been studying over Charms notes and screaming mentally on the inside. It felt as if my eyes were bleeding, but fortunately it wasn't. 

Hazel on the other hand, had been mourning about the execution date for Buckbeak. I, too, was sad about the matter, and had comforted her when she cried about it. Hazel hated when animals died or fell sick, she cared too much of others than herself sometimes. Not that I see it as a bad thing. 

For the past few days I have been avoiding George, not entirely sure why, but my logic was if I avoided him for a bit maybe he'll miss me and hang out with me more later. Which, now that I think about it, is a stupid logic. But to be fair, my brain can't think properly because of the upcoming exams, all the studying had murdered my brain cells. 

But hopefully it would be worth it, and I can pass all my exams safely. 

. . .  

"AHH!" I screamed out a contorted sound into my pillow. The exams were finally over and all the bottled up stress is coming out. 

"What was that?" Hazel gasped, looking around the dorm then at me. "Luci, stop you're going to kill your vocal cords." 

"I need to scream out all the pain the exams caused me!" I replied, kicking off my shoes and pulling on the blankets. "Call me when it's time for dinner." 

After a couple of minutes I felt my bed dip down, and a heavy mass on my stomach. I peeked open my eyes, "Get your rabbit off of me," I muttered to Hazel, who was sitting on the edge of my bed. She didn't bother to move Chappin from my stomach. 

"Luci, I have a question," Hazel started. "You know how at the end of the Defence Against the Dark Arts exam there was a boggart? Well what your boggart?" 

I sat up and tried to move the fat rabbit aside, its fat only drooped down the sides of my hands but eventually I moved it to the side. I breathed in and looked Hazel in the eye. "My loved ones dying, burned to be exact." I answered, there was nothing to hide about my boggart from my best friend. "What about you?" 

"Same thing," answered Hazel, we shared a smile.   

Hazel reached over and took Chappin in her arms, "Anyways, you want to go walk around and explore the castle?" 

"Sure, why not?" I said, pulling off the covers and putting on my shoes.  

"So, you wanna go to the kitchens to get some food? It's saturday so Lennie is making apple and pumpkin pie."  

A wide grin made its way on my face.  


Today was another boring day, class was over and Hazel and Rodrick had left me for a 'study date' in the library, even though there was nothing to study for.  

So with nothing for me to do except to deliver a bottle of Wideye potion I had brewed, per Madam Pomfrey's request, I had stayed at the Hospital Wing to help her when she needed assistance. It had been about several hours and close to night fall. 

As of now nothing needed tending and I was sitting on a chair in the Hospital Wing, reading a muggle book Hazel had recommended. It was a mystery book, my favorite genre of books, it made my inner 'detective' and 'curious' and 'nosey' personality come out. 

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