(Chapter 37) Halloween Hogsmeade

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 "I got an A on my History of Magic essay!" I announced to Hazel excitedly when I entered the workshop, holding up the graded essay with pride. "My first good grade in that subject so far!" 

Hazel grinned and patted to the seat next to her. "I got an O," she said smugly, destroying my five seconds of pride with four words. 

I rolled my eyes and settled down in the seat next to her. "Whatever, an A is good enough for me in that class." 

"Don't you have Quidditch practice in a few minutes?" Hazel asked, going back to reading an Arithmancy textbook. Her eyes then snapped up with realization. "Wait but we have Choir practice in a few minutes, you can't go to one of them then." 

"I told Professor Flitwick and he said it was fine if I missed." I countered. 

"Oh, well we are just practicing an old song anyway." 

"I forgot what I was going to say," I muttered. "Oh, right, Hogsmeade trip is tomorrow, what do you want to do first?" 

Hazel looked up from her textbook with an apologetic expression. "Uhm, Luci, actually I'm go-" 

"Don't tell me you're going with Odessa and her friends," I groaned. "Or with Pansy and her group." 

"No, it's not them," 

"Then who?" I asked, but she didn't need to answer that question. I looked into her eyes and concentrated hard, knowing what she was thinking at the moment. "No," I gasped, giving her a disappointed expression. 

Hazel gave me a flat look, knowing that I had read what she was thinking. "Yes, it is Rodrick Fortner. He asked me, and I panicked, and I said yes." 

"But you don't want to go with him, right?" 

"I do want to go with him," Hazel concluded after a few seconds. 

I buried my face in my hands, "I still don't trust that bloke." 

Hazel raised an eyebrow, "But you've read his mind, right?" 

"All I can do right now with Legilimency is read what the person is thinking at the time, I also have to concentrate really hard," I told her. "I can't look into someone's eyes and know their past, or deep into their minds, or even control their thoughts. People who do that are really skilled Legilimens." 

"Please, Luci, you have nothing to worry about, Rodrick is just being my date to Hogsmeade."  insisted Hazel. 

"Fine," I grunted. "But I still don't trust him."  

"Don't think about spying on us, Luci," Hazel warned, pointing her index finger at me. "If anything goes wrong I'll have my wand with me. Anyway, you should watch the time," she pointed out. 

"What-" I glanced at the clock and groaned aloud, then dashed out of the workshop and straight to the girl locker rooms to change into my Quidditch uniform. 

. . .    

On Halloween morning, after eating breakfast, Hazel and I raced to the entrance hall, where Filch was collecting permission slips and checking off names. While Hazel was talking to Odessa, I took the time and talked to Fortner. 

"Listen, you treat Hazel right and I'll spare you a visit to the Hospital Wing." I threatened, narrowing my eyes at Fortner. "In fact, what are your intentions?" 

He smirked, looking at me amused. "I just want to take a girl out of a date, isn't against the law is it?" 

"She's not just any girl, Fortner, she's my best friend." I hissed, glaring at him as he rolled his eyes. 

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