(Chapter 47) Familiarity

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I've never believed half of the rubbish on the Daily Prophet, either it was too dramatic or didn't added up logically, chances are it's fake to make extra galleons. And indeed, Rita Skeeter's 'small' piece on the Daily Prophet was hard for me to believe.

"This just doesn't sound like Harry," I told Hazel during breakfast, busy flipping through the seven-page article about Harry, while Krum and Delacour were only squished into the end with no mention of Diggory.

"What if he was just hiding his true personality?" Hazel suggested, peering over my shoulder to get a look.

I rolled her eyes, "They say he's twelve and that Hermione and him and in a relationship, not written, but it's clearly hinted!"

"You don't believe it?"

"Harry isn't twelve...?" I began to doubt myself, "is he? Wait-"

"Aww look, he cries about his deceased parents, that's quite sad," Hazel frowned, "do you think he's okay?"

"Hazel, for the last time, this article has to be fake, false information."

"Hey, you never know, ask Harry yourself."

I sighed, wanting to change the topic, and so I did. "Are you ready for Tuesday?"

Tuesday was the first task of the tournament, Hazel, Rodrick, and I haven't placed any bets, which was a surprise to us all. "You want to place bets with Rod? I'm rooting for Diggory." Hazel asked me, voicing my question.

I grinned, "Yeah, like the gamblers we are."

. . .

Racing through the hallways after classes on Monday wasn't simple, people lurked around like they had nothing better to do. I, on the other hand, had a life mission of turning in my essay to Snape that I forgot to turn in this morning.

I passed by many people who were still sporting 'POTTER STINKS' badges, now it was just getting annoying. "Excuse me!" I called out of the band of Hufflepuffs, slipping past them.

To travel faster to Snape's classroom, going through the courtyard was the fastest way to take the staircase to the dungeons. Another annoying group of Hufflepuffs was blocking the archway, I didn't want to go through the deal of stopping, so I leaped out the open window.

Just as I made it across, I stopped in my steps at the peculiar scene I had my eyes on. "Trying to be a squirrel, Malfoy?"

The blonde-haired boy looked at me with a frown, he stood on the shoulders of Crabbe and Goyle. "What are you looking at?"

"A mighty bloke who can't climb a tree," I shook my head, really wanting to take a photograph of his foolishness. "Use a levitation charm," I pointed out before jogging away, stopped in my steps again, and jogged back to Malfoy.

"What?" He asked, now on the ground, Nott had his wand out about the perform the levitation charm but stopped mid-way in saying the incantation.

"Uhm, you know if Snape is in his office or classroom?" I asked him earnestly, "I forgot to turn in my essay this morning, and- is he still there?"

Malfoy bit his lip, thinking before giving me a nod, "He should be in the classroom marking papers actually-"

"Thanks!" I waved goodbye to him and ran off, it brought up my spirits just a bit knowing there was a chance Snape could still be in his classroom, at least if the classroom door is open for me to get in.

I passed through the middle and then saw Harry walking alone. "Hey," I meekly waved to him, and he seemed to return a smile. Personally, I felt like Harry deserved a little kindness, especially how the whole school turned against him.

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