(Chapter 23) Blood Message

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October arrived, the chilly breeze was in the air once again. Madam Pomfrey had taken off my bandages, and insured me that my injures are all healed so I can safely play Quidditch during the following November.

Training and practice has became more frequent and time consuming, which limited the time for me to work on homework and spending time with friends.

Fred and George had been spying on the Slytherin team ever since we've announced about the Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones. Of course I was the first one to notice, but I didn't bother telling Flint about them spying on us, I simply didn't care since we looked no more than seven greenish blurs, shooting through the air like missiles. They couldn't find out our new tactics even if they tried.

Aside from that, George wouldn't stop complimenting on the cookies I baked for him as an apology gift. Salazar, the moment I handed him the plate of homemade cookies he wouldn't stop blushing and murmuring to himself.


I looked at the list of herbs and plants, turning to Hazel I said,  "Alright Hazel, now we need to find some Shrivelfigs, this one is for Herbology and Potions," 

"Why do we have to do this again?" Hazel groaned as she plopped onto the ground from exhaustion. "It's a Saturday, and you didn't choose to relax?"

"You're the one who wanted to come with me, and I'm doing this because I want to help out." I replied, making Hazel groan again.

"Because today is a Saturday, I thought you came to the forest to relax or maybe go for a walk, I didn't expect you to be picking plants for professors!" she exclaimed, making me roll my eyes.

"Hazel, if you want you can leave right now. But I did pack a lot pumpkin pasties, so it'll be a waste since I can't finish it all by myself," I sighed dramatically, using the bribing method.

Hazel perked up, "I'll help! But we must to leave before sunset."

"Alright, fine. Now I need a few dozens of Shrivelfigs," I ordered while putting the list back into my basket. "Anything else?" Hazel inquired, looking more cheerful than before. I nodded, "I need a bunch of Honeysuckles, it's for Madam Pomfrey."

"Why?" Hazel questioned as she grabbed the basket from my hands. "Is she helping you make Honeysuckle tea this time?"

"No Hazel, if you didn't know, there has been a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. And since Madam Pomfrey uses Pepperup potion, one of the ingredients is Honeysuckle, and she's running low on them." I answered, 'Honeysuckle tea doesn't sound that bad, I could balance out the taste with some Dandelion flowers'.

"Oh," Hazel said simply. "Is there anyone we know that has a cold?"

I nodded, "Ginny, but I don't think that she has a cold, however she does look really pale these days. And I've noticed something peculiar lately."

"What is peculiar?" she asked while looking down at the ground, as if trying to find something. "She has been carrying a book around, I think it's a diary, but I'm not sure. I never knew she had one," I replied while Hazel bent down and picked up a pebble. "It doesn't sound like much to me, maybe she never told you because it's private." Hazel muttered, and added the pebble into the basket.


I shoved a large piece of potato into my mouth, and chewed on it furiously. Hazel was looking at me with wide eyes. "Potatoes, mashed please, I need it," I muffled out, and gulped down all the pumpkin juice from my goblet. She hesitated, but scooped a large spoonful of mash potatoes onto my plate, then refilled my goblet. 

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