(Chapter 22) Lockhart's Vain

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The Defence against the Dark Arts classroom looked like a complete joke; the walls were framed pictures of Lockhart, even a painting of Lockhart was painting a picture of him inside of a frame.

I looked around the classroom in disgust before settling down next to Hazel who was staring off into space. "This has got too be a joke," I scoffed loudly, snapping Hazel out from daydreaming.

"What?" Hazel snapped, awaking from her trance. "This has got too be a joke," I repeated and rolled my eyes. Her lips twitched into a frown. "That's not very nice Luci. I don't think Lockhart's a joke, I think he's pretty wicked!" Hazel exclaimed, then immediately went back to daydreaming.

"Ugh, even Hazel likes that piece of rubbish." I muttered darkly and tried not to slap her in face for saying that.  

I was already in a foul mood when I heard that we have Defence against the Dark Arts today because I know that Lockhart will be nothing but a joke to me. But as long as I pass my exams this year on this subject, then he won't be a problem to me.

I took the whole collection of Lockhart's books out and arranged them neatly on top of my desk just like Hazel. I looked to my right and Hermione was practically drooling at the sight of her books. I scoffed loudly and crossed my arms, 'Surely some girl in this school doesn't fawn over Lockhart like Hermione and Hazel...' 

Suddenly, the door linking to the staircase in front of the class slammed open. Out came Professor Lockhart dressed in golden robes, everyone became silent.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defence against the Dark Arts Teacher... me! Gilderoy Lockhart." Professor Lockhart said as he descended down the stairs, I raised my eyebrows at his vain attitude. He continued introducing himself, "Order of Merlin, Third Class; Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League; and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award."

"But I don't talk about that; I didn't get rid of the Banden Banshee by smiling at him." he chuckled, making me very uncomfortable and scared. 'He's starting to creep me out, a lot...'

"Now," Lockhart started and pulled out his wand. "Be warned, it is my job to arm you against the foulest creature known to wizard kind, you may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room." he stated, and tapped a cage that was covered with a piece of cloth with his wand, the cage started shaking violently. I closed my eyes, and listen closely to the noise they're making. 'Cornish pixies'

"No only that no harm can before while I'm here, I must ask you not to scream... It might provoke them!" he exclaimed, and lifted off the cloth, showing the electric blue pixies trying to escape. "Cornish Pixies!" Finnigan snorted.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies," Lockhart said dramatically. Finnigan couldn't control himself from laughing.

"Laugh if you will Mr. Finnigan, but pixies can be devilish tricky little blithers... Let's see what you make of them, now!" Lockhart said loudly, and opened the cage, freeing the pixies.

It was a pandemonium. The pixies shot in every direction like rockets, two of them seized Neville by the ears and lifted him into the air. Several proceeded to wreck the classroom, tearing up books and smashing ink bottles. I quickly armed myself with one of Lockhart's books and proceeded to swat away the pixies that were flying in front of me.

I screamed as a pixie yanked forcefully on my hair, luckily, Hazel noticed and was able to smack it away with her book bag. "Thanks!" I shouted to Hazel, who just nodded quickly in response. I smacked another one that was chasing Malfoy, then another that was about to throw down an ink bottle.

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