(Chapter 41) Extra Studying

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"What is it?" I asked when Hazel and Rodrick had burst into the workshop, sweaty and out of breath. "Did you two- oh Merlin, please don't tell me-" 

"No! Absolutely not!" Hazel exclaimed, her face flushed with pink. "We heard something, it's not a rumor though because it actually happened." 

"Go on," I said, looking up from what I was currently working on. 

"Sirius Black broke into Gryffindor common room and almost killed Ron Weasley," explained Rodrick. "Well, he slashed his curtains or something." 

"Really?" I realized why there were extra security measures in the hallways. "Was he hurt?" 

"No, Ron is fine, and he's making a huge deal out of it too." replied Hazel. 

Rodrick added, "He seems like a celebrity too." he went to a simmering cauldron and peered inside, taking a whiff then redrawing with a disgusted look. "Ugh, what is this? Tea?" 

"No," I slapped his hand away when he tried to touch the small tray of nettles. "Madam Pomfrey requested a healing potion, so I'm helping her out." 

"You're helping Madam Pomfrey again?" Hazel asked absentmindedly and settled down her book bag. "Anyway, Hogsmeade is next week, you going? You haven't been to Hogsmeade in a long time." 

I shrugged, not having planned out any activities for myself. "Not sure, I have homework to do and I promised Madam Pomfrey to give her some help at the Hospital Wing." I poured the nettles into the concoction and stirred. "Wait, so you two ran all the way here just to tell me about Sirius Black?" 

Hazel looked as if she remembered something, "Oh, right, so while Rod and I were walking through the courtyard I heard Pansy talking to Millicent and Traci. I heard that she overheard Emila talking to her friends about how George Weasley asked her to Hogsmeade." 

I looked at Rodrick and he nodded in confirmation. "So that's why we hurried over to tell you," 

I felt a small twinge of jealousy, but I ignored the feeling like I always did. "Okay?" I said after a while when realizing how many times I've declined George's invitation to Hogsmeade, it was about time he stopped trying. As sad as it sounded, it was true.  

"Lucinda, she is stealing your man!" Rodrick huffed, annoyed at my reaction. "You should've confessed when we told you too, and look at what happened now, your man is gone... stolen by Odessa." 

"She practically stole George away from you!" said Hazel. 

I crossed my arms and turned around. "George is not mine, and to be honest I don't care."  

"Translation; we are done with this conversation," Hazel sighed, making Rodrick laugh a little. 

"Ah, you know me so well." I smiled, putting the finished potion into a bottle. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go give this to Madam Pomfrey." 

. . . 

Easter holidays began and all everyone talked about was the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, which was coming up right after Easter. The two houses had been at each other's throats during the holidays. 

The entire Slytherin house had a meeting one night in the common room, hosted by the Slytherin Quidditch team. Most of the team members were still salty about me resigning, so I took a seat at a table in the back along with Hazel, who is been occupied with her pet rabbit that kept turning into a top hat. It was more annoying than cute, yet Hazel adored him. 

"I miss Ginger," I muttered, thinking about my pet owl, not having seen him in a long time. He was probably busy helping mum and dad deliver mail at work.  

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