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Why did I agree to do this? This was a terrible idea. Who in their right minds would agree to do something like this? I keep snapping my fingers in a tempo to calm myself down.

Rule #1: You will be compliant to all things in the interest of making William governor of New York. Such as talk shows, gala events, fundraisers, dinners, etc.

"Will you quit the snapping, I'm trying to sleep." William grunts under his eye mask. Who wears eye masks anymore? I roll my eyes. Why did I ever think this asshole was attractive?

"Sorry Princess." I mutter. He is so dramatic.

"I heard that."

"Good." How can I pretend to love this man when I want to punch him in the balls every time he speaks. I look out the window, as I look out I shut my eyes. Is this the right decision? Is entering a loveless marriage the key to my success? Using people as my spawn in this act of double knavery. Did I just indirectly quote Othello? I swear I surprise myself sometimes.

Think about something else, Emani. I look to William who is sound asleep and I think about our conversation three weeks ago.

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"Let's get one thing straight, in real life we are mere acquaintances. Everything is an act. I only need you to help me win over the public. You are my trophy and nothing else. Got it?" I slowly nod in understanding, the pang in my chest slowly growing. Did he have to be so blunt? Why do I feel a pang?

"We are aware of the non-profit you run for the underprivileged kids in New York. you are doing a great service for the community. You've made quite a name for yourself Emani," Phoenix twirls his phone around in his hands. "But we also know you've been struggling a lot lately in terms of finance."

"So, if I win the electi-" William says.

"When he wins." Phoenix corrects him. "We will financially support your business for the same period of time you are married to William."

"I will also support you by marketing for your organization during the campaign, in order for you to receive more sponsors even after our arrangement is over." William nods at me.

"Only in a few of his speeches though," Phoenix adds. "And you only have to stay married to him for two years max. We want this to seem like the marriage is real and not some ploy. So, you will be required to stay married for about a year after he wins this election"

I think about their offer, whether this is a good idea. Can I really trust him to keep up his end of the deal? What if there is a loophole in the contract and it's canceled? He and Phoenix drew the contract, so it's in their favor.

I built my business from the ground up and I'd hate for it close. I think about all the kids I have helped find better a future. All the kids that were given a proper education, a decent shelter, and proper food. It's done so much for them. I have to do this for the kids, not me. I have to be selfless for once. Giving away two years of my life is worth a lifetime for dozens of children and families. This is my purpose, this is my life purpose.

I gaze at William who seems to be trying to read my emotions. "So what makes you different? You're a Republican, I'm a Democrat. Why should I support you?" William has a surprised face but slowly smirks.

Phoenix snorts. "Support him?"

"You need me for votes, so yeah I'm supporting him." I look back to William. I"m starting to get annoyed with Phoenix butting in. like, your William's lawyer not his voice box.

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." He says.

"Loretta Scott." I nod.

"Ronald Reagan," He says. We both grin at each other.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Great," Phoenix says, clapping his hands together. William grins and I realize that is probably the only form of thank you I'm going to get.

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