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My least favorite thing aboout my dad's office is how high it is. Even as a kid I never enjoyed being up here. Looking down, the people are miniature. It creates an even more illusion of supieriority. That's probably why my father likes it so much. The view isn't even that great. It's just facing more buildings which are blocking the sun and the landscape.

We're currently in one of the conference rooms. This is a special one because you can see out but they can't see in. Exactly one week until elections.This emergency was called because Diego is beating me badly. The other night he was the clear victor in the debate, the crowd chewed up every word he spoke.

"William at leas-"




"Son, we have no choice."

"We do have a choice." I fold my arms. "We're not leaking the information."

My father slams his hands on his table. His anger has been seeping through a lot lately and he won't even try to mask it anymore. "You are behind in the polls. Do you get it? You are going to lose if we don't get ahead somehow."

I take a deep breath and look in between Phoenix and my father before saying calmly. "Then we'll lose."

"Get off your fucking high horse, William. You have to play dirty sometimes. Diego did it when he lis team leaked the information about you." A commercial came out of me being bailed out of jail in Paris. I wasn't even supposed to be in Paris. It was all Lila's fault. Anything that linked me to that night was supposed to be erased locked away. So it's still unclear how did Diego get ahold of it.

"We don't have to be like them." I respond.

"The amount of time and money I invested into this campaign for you." My dad places his hands on the table and looks directly into my eyes. "Do not disappoint me Will." He's warning me. This is his warning that I have very few chances left to screw up.

His threat doesn't spook as it once did. I'm not afraid of him not coddling me anymore. "Won't be the first time dad." The door opens and all our heads shift. Emani enters with a cautious look on her face as if she's just entered tge lions' den.

"I'd thought I'd bring you all coffee." I see the tray of starbucks cups she's holding.

"Mani, perfect timing." Phoenix says, grabbing one with his name on it.

"Thank you Emani." My dad puts on a fake smile. He side-eyes me before taking his. I reach for mine but Emani moves it back.

"Hold on." She says. I watch as she puts three packets of sugar and some half & half. I mouth a 'thank you' she winks at me before smiling. I peer at Phoenix who is watching our interaction.

"Emani we need you." Phoenix says.

Our attention turns to Phoenix. "Huh?"

"William won't leak information about Diego. We know that Diego is a womanizer and can't keep his hands off of beautiful women."

My chest rises and nose flares seeing where he's going with this. "No." I command before Emani can open her mouth to answer.

"I'm not saying Emani have sex with him. They just bump into each other." Phoenix uses air quotes. "Then sit and talk at a cafe or something and let the cameras and media create a story out of it." There's more to this than Phoenix is letting on. He avoids eye contact with me and looks at Emani.

"Emani is not doing it."I say.

"Emani, this is all we have left. Willam will lose and we will lose everything." Phoenix reasons. I look to my father for help, but he is quiet. His silence means he's okay with this idea.

"Phoenix-" I feel Emani's hand on my shoulder. I look up at her.

"I'll do it." She says.


I bump into someone while running.

"Oh sorry." I take the time to catch my breath.

"Emani Tolbert?"

I look up and it's Diego. "Diego?" We embrace in a hug.

"Or should I say Emani Harrington?" I grin. "How have you been?"

"Trying to calm my husband down." I tease "You've really got him in a pickle."

"Politics baby." Diego shrugs.

"Do you wanna catch up with some coffee?"

Diego smiles his breathtaking smile. "Sure, Id love too." We walk along the trail side by side. Diego is not even sweating he's more like glistening. His legs and arms tell he keeps at this and probably hasn't skipped a beat. Diego takes a shortcut and cuts through a park. There's a tiny outdoor place for a quick cup of coffe and tables surrounding it.

A single man is working the coffee stand as he takes our orders. He works pretty fast and gives our coffee in no time. Diego chooses a table close to the fountain that's in the center of the park. I take a sip of my iced latte. I add more sugar packets to it.

"Still have the sweet tooth I see." Diego jokes.

"Shutup." I mutter.

"All that sugar is bad for your body Mani." I queitly wince at the nickname.

"Let me live my life, Mr. Wannsbe Terry Cruz." Diego chuckles. "So you really want to be governor?" I ask after stirring my drink.

"The white man can't keep running the show." He says. "They're over 80% in the government who represent only 51% of the country."

"There are a few good ones."

"Oh like your husband?" He asks. "Don't let that heavy rock on your finger fool you Emani?" Without thinking my right hand feels for my ring and turns it up since it falls a lot.

"It's a white man's game we're living in." He sounds exactly like John. "Our voices need to be heard."

"You're telling me like I don't even know that." I snap. "I was right there you with in the countless protests and marches. Like I'm not reminded everyday by the color of my skin and boobs strapped to my chest."

"You married a republican." He says calmly. "Not only that, a republican coming from a dirty family."

"William's different and people can change." My temper suddenly wearing thin, having to defend Will.

"The only person that can change a white man is a white woman."

His comment stuns me. How could he say such a thing to me of all people? "I think it's time for me to leave."

Diego holds my hand. "No stay. I mean this is for the media right." I suck in my breath. He nods his around and I suddenly notice the not so discreet photographers appearing. "Don't think I dont know how you accidentally bumped into on my daily jog."

"Coincidences happen." I play innoncent.

"I don't believe in coincidences." He motions back to my chsir. "Sit."

I sit back down. "Hows the wife?" I ask.

"Beautiful. I'm still in love with her as the day I met her." He sips his coffee for the first time. "So when am I gonna be a godfather?"

I choke on my own spit. "Not anytime soon." I retort.

"We'll see." Diego smirks."Well this was nice." Diego takes out his wallet and places fifties on the table. What? He just told me to stay?

"That should cover everything. Always a pleasure Emani, keep staying your gorgeous self. Tell your husband to thank you Lila for the pictures for me." He raises his cup and finishes the rest of his coffee. He puts his beats headphones back in his ears and continues his jog in the direction we came from.

Lila? Who's Lila?

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