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Do it for you, not for them.

I patiently look at Jasmine and she glares back with her arms crossed. We challenge each other at who will talk first. I slide over her favorite drink with a chocolate croissant. She glances down at it but continues to stare at me. She goes even further by crossing her arms. That was supposed to be my truce.

"Jazz, I'm sorry." I caved, yes, but I was already the decided loser.

"I'm your best fucking friend, bitch." She says. "And you didn't think to tell me that you're getting married." I've known Jasmine forever, and that's the nicest thing she's ever said in our fights.

"I know, it all happened so fast. I wasn't sure if things were serious between us, and I didn't want to jinx anything."

"By telling me?" Jasmine says offended.

"Jazz all the guys I tell you about always end up going south. I wanted to try something different."

Jasmine nods and sips her latte. "Smart." I smile. "I still can't believe you're marrying William fucking Harrington."

"And I want you to be my maid of honor." Jasmine's face lights up and she squeals sending looks our way at the coffee shop:

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes!" Jasmine gives me a bone-crushing hug. What hurts more than the hug is lying to my best friend.

The conversation is lighter after Jasmine forgives me. I dodge all her questions about William and she persists that I set her up with someone at the wedding. After the coffee shop, we part ways. I head to the hair salon alone.

I told Jasmine I was getting my hair done, but I didn't mention what I was getting done. A train ride later, I end up at Marissa's. The store is still the same, the smell of burned hair and the sound of the loud air conditioner that is never off. It's late so I'm the only one here.

"Eazy!" A woman with her hair up in a ponytail greets me with a hug.

"Hey Lo" Lauryn is Marissa's daughter and has become one of my closest friends in New York. When I moved here, Lauryn and Marissa gave me the run-down of everything. This hair salon has been my second home.

"Where's my wedding invitation?" She asks with her hands on her hips.

"Don't worry, it's coming," I say defensively.

"It better." She waves her comb in my face.

"Is the reception gonna be lit?"

"I'll do everything in my power but William's family won't find our music enjoyable, but I'm still getting turnt to any music because it's my wedding."

"We'll make it work," Lauryn nods. "I'll bring a speaker."

I sit down in one of the chairs and look in the mirror. "This humidity really messed up my hair."

Lauryn stands behind me. "It looks fine."

I give her a look in the mirror. "You're only saying that because your hair isn't a mess."

"That's why I wear weave boo." She pats her hair and sticks out her tongue. I roll my eyes but laugh at her. "So the same old today?" She asks.


"Lauryn who are you talking to?" Marissa appears from the back. I smile at her delighted expression when she sees me.

"Emani" She hugs me and shakes me around.

"Hey Sasa, it's good to see you. How are you?" Marissa only lets few people call her by that nickname.

"Better, now that you're here." Sasa smiles.

"We get that you wished Emani was your daughter, but do you have to do it in front of me?" Lauryn crosses her arms. Sasa glances at Lauryn and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Lauryn, you know I love you."

"Yeah yeah, love you too Mom." Lauryn mutters and takes a seat on a revolving chair across from me and flips out a magazine.

"Wash and Curl again today Emani?"

I sheepishly smile. "Not today, I'm gonna need my hair colored."

"The purple hasn't faded yet."

"Not purple." I shake my head. "Black."

"What?" Lauryn and Marissa say.

"E are you okay?" Lauryn asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can't be the wife of a candidate with purple hair," I shrug. I look at Marissa who has her lips pursed. I know that means she has something to say but she won't say it.

"Eazy that's your signature look. That's you."

"Lauryn hush," Marissa says.

"But-" Marissa sends Lauryn a look and she huffs and goes to sit back down. We all remain quiet in the hair salon as I lose a part of myself today. Even the air conditioner seemed quieter than normal as if it could sense the change too.

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