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What they say is great. But it's what they do that counts.


He wants me to make a scene. That's why he's doing this here.

So if I don't control my emotions, he'll win. "If you don't live up to your part of the deal, I'll walk out."

"Are they arguing about the sex worker?" Phoenix whisper yells to Jasmine. I see Jasmine nod her head out of my peripheral.

"You have no control here William," I add. "We both signed a contract and you don't want to upset your father."

"Phoenix!" William shouts.

"Don't bring me into this bro," Phoenix shakes his head. "You already know what I'm gonna say."

William's tightens his fist. He's more aggravated than ever now. "I hope you know that you're not the only one. What he's doing is his job and he's probably doing another job right now and fucking someone else. If you want to degrade yourself to his to-do list then go right ahead." 

William storms out of his seat to God knows where. I contemplate what he said. Truthfully, I thought about what John does when he's not with me already. I think about it almost all the time. William is mostly wrong though. John isn't just a fuck buddy. Half of the time we're together we end up talking for hours about anything that pops up in our heads.

"Sorry Emani, I don't think he remembered to change his pads this morning," Phoenix says.

I laugh. "I was wondering where all my feminine products went." William's comments didn't hurt as much. Jon 's good company, and best of all he listens. I just need someone to talk to about everything that is going on in my life. I know I have Jasmine, but sometimes it's nice to have an outside perspective. Jasmine also gossips a lot.

William returns, his face is still stern but his shoulders are more relaxed. "It's time for us to head back, I've got a lot of work to do at home. Phoenix, I'll see you tomorrow. Jasmine, it was nice spending more time with you." He starts walking towards the exit. He turns around once he notices that I'm not behind him.

"Emani, aren't you coming?"

"No, I'm gonna stay with them a little bit longer." I cross my arms.

He raises an eyebrow as if I'm not serious. "How are you going to get to the house?"

"I'll take an uber." William's jaw ticks to my response

"Okay, be careful." He turns back around and exits the café.

"We were just about to l-" Jasmine elbows Phoenix in the stomach before he let him finish.

"Oh, you were?" I sink into my seat. "Okay, can we wait a few minutes, then can you guys drop me off at the center?" They both nod their heads. After waiting ten minutes to give William a head start. Jasmine takes the passenger seat of Phoenix's car while I sit in the back. Phoenix turns on the radio and I mindlessly listen to the music.

"Guess who won the basketball game last night?" Jasmine says, but she was mainly talking to Phoenix

"You've got to fucking ki-"

"Pay up!" Jasmine smiles, holding her hand out. Phoenix uses his left hand and digs into his pants pocket and places the money on Jasmine's hand.

Jasmine places a kiss on Phoenix's cheek. "Don't ever doubt my Warriors again babe," Phoenix mutters something, but his face shows he isn't mad at all. A song comes on and the unfamiliar beat plays.

"Babe it's your song." Jasmine turns the volume up higher. I check out the window if anyone notices the loud music.

"I don't mind," Phoenix and Jasmine shout. "Letting you down easy, but just give it time." I watch in amazement at the scene unfolding in front of me. Never have I heard Jasmine listen to this kind of music. Jasmine comes from a Baptist family and her Brooklyn Blood runs deep in her bones. So watching her know a song to the beat of the music was surprising, to say the least. However, it didn't make me fear that she was becoming different. She was changing for the better. A smile didn't leave her face as she was singing with Phoenix. She laughed along with him. 

"Ain't it fun, ain't it fun, even now you're one of us. Ain't it fun, ain't it fun, ain't it fun" They both bang on imaginary drum sets in front of them. I found myself bopping my head to the music too. They drop me off at work and I thank them for the ride.

"Emani," I turn around and Jasmine is walking towards me. She stands infront of me.  "Man the fuck up."

"What?" I blink rapidly.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but you're turning into who you used to be." She subtly hints to my past. "Do what you need to do to be Miss independent-don't need a man-Emani again." She hugs me.

I hug her back tighter because I needed those words. "Thanks, J"

"I love you, sis." She turns around and walks back to Phoenix's car. My cell phone rings and it's an unfamiliar number, I answer the phone.

"Hello? This is Emani Tolbert speaking."

"Mani, we need to talk." I gasp loudly and hang up the phone immediately. How did he get my number? I haven't seen him since the incident with all the paparazzi outside of TJMaxx. My heart is beating a million times a minute. I can feel a panic attack coming.

I like who you used to be.

My phone falls to the ground. I look around and don't seem him anywhere. Somehow I can feel his eerie presence. I block his number with my shaky hands and rush inside the center. I bump hard into someone and my purse and phone fall to the ground. I bend down and check to see if my phone cracked, and try to put everything back in my purse. A hand touches my shoulder and I scream and fall back against the door.

"Aunt E, are you okay?" I look into Tre's concerned eyes. "I've been calling your name for the past five minutes." My chest continues to rise and I can't find words to speak. "Aunt E, what's wrong?" His eyes widen. "It's Jason, isn't it?" I nod my head. "What happened?"

"He's back." My voice finally finds itself.

"Aunt E, why didn't you tell me." He wraps me in a hug. "Why can't you get your husband to do something about it?"

"H-h-he can't know Trey," Tears slowly fall down my face. "He can't ever know."

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