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E M A N I 

"Deliver us o' lord in your holy name I pray amen." I open my eyes. I admire the view of all the houses and the horizon. If I look hard enough I could maybe spot out Will's house. Will took me running one time and we passed by a tiny park. We didn't stop but I came back to it that same day later on. That was also the last time I ran with Will. I'm not cut out for that.

I like coming up here because I like to sit and think. I rarely have any me time anymore. I just feel so confined sometimes and I feel like I can finally breathe up here. Don't get me wrong, things are good right now. Sometimes it's as if there are chains bound on me even though I'm told free.

It's election night.

I voted today. I should be in the house with William but I had to get away. I want him to win, because I think he'd be a good governor, through this whole journey Will is just what the state needs. He doesn't know it yet, but I can see his full potential.

Another part of me wants him to lose because then this would be over. I could go back to my old life. Two years is a long time. Sarah always looks at me like I'm going to make a move on William. I see Phoenix and Jasmine so, in love, it makes me want to scream. Then there's Jason. I haven't heard from him ever since Jasmine and Phoenix said that they handled it. My gut tells me he's not out of my life for good.


I spin around to see a shadow close approaching trudging up the hill. I squint to get a better look. "Phoenix?"

"Holy shit Emani, I've been looking everywhere for you. You made me climb up this big ass hill just to find you." He says out of breath. I look at him taken aback, Phoenix has a body of an Olympic track star.

"Is everything okay Phoenix?"

"William needs you."

"How do you know?"

"He's been asking for you and no one can seem to calm him down."

"Oh okay." I get up from the bench and walk past Phoenix who is still hunched over trying to catch his breath.

The walk is shorter when I head back home. The brightly lit house at the end of the cul-de-sac pulls into view quicker than I had hoped. I enter through the front door which is unlocked, I presume for Phoenix. William's mother walks feverishly in her high heels towards me. "He's in the kitchen." She says with frantic eyes.

I walk past the living room and everyone is staring at me. All of William's campaign staff is here. Their faces seem less hopeful than before I left the house. The TV volume is noticeably lower once they heard me come in. Is it really that deep?

I walk into the kitchen. William is hunched over the sink and his back is rising up and down heavily. Sarah is adjacent to him leaning against the fridge with her arms crossed. She looks to be on the brink of tears. I nod for her to leave and she hesitantly abides. She doesn't leave without rubbing Will's back which he doesn't care to acknowledge in any way. Sarah avoids eye contact with me as she leaves the kitchen sullen.

"Will?" I say. His upper body perks up and he turns around. He sees me. I'm too far away to see his expression and determine how he's truly feeling. My eyes fall to his hand that's bloody. He inches towards me wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"I didn't think I wanted it so bad, but I wanted to win." He whispers, but it's only us in the kitchen. "I thought I'd be okay with it, but then I started thinking that this might be my second chance." I let go and I grab the bloodless hand and kiss it,

"It's okay, Will. It's gonna be okay. You're still a winner in my eyes." His sadness doesn't avail. "Sit" He sits down on the kitchen island stool. I open one of the drawers and grab a first aid kit

His eyebrow arches. "Where'd that come from?"

"This million dollar house, and you had no first aid kit. That's manly stupid." He chuckles. I start to disinfect the blood. All of his knuckles are split open and bruising has already formed around his hand. Whatever he hit, he hit it hard.

"Where'd you go?" He asks watching my hands.

"I went to go clear my head."

"I needed you here." He says, without lifting his gaze.

I shake my head. "All these people here who are here to support you and you needed just me?"

"Most people are paid to be here or are trying to climb up the ladder. I would've appreciated your support the most."

"I know I'm pretty great and all, but don't be so held up on me Mr. Harrington," I smirk at him, finishing wrapping his hand.

William clenches his jaw but doesn't say anything. "Thanks,Mrs. Harrington." He hops off the stool and exits the kitchen and makes his way back to the living room. The sound of the front door opening and closing echoes to the kitchen. Phoenix enters looking around for William but just looks at me.

"Is he calm now?"

"I fixed his hand." I shrug, not wanting to discuss it further. "Phoenix did you just get back?"

He shakes his head. "I was right behind, but I had to take a phone call."

"Oh okay."

"Emani get in here!" A glass shattering sound follows. Phoenix and I run after the noise. Everyone is staring at the television. The screen is split with the newscasters on one side and the chart of the polls on another.

"And by a stunning turn of events, with a sudden significant margin, I might add. William Harrington will be the next governor of New York." The Anchorman announces. I search around the room and I find William's body stand up from the couch. He looks at the TV and without any trouble, his face turns and his eyes meet mine. Suddenly time stood still for Will and I. We're the only ones frozen in the room as everyone erupts in cheer around us. 

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