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My eyes are blinded by all the light that hits me at once. I look around the bedroom with no recollection of how I got into this room. I think back to the other night and the only thing that I remember is waiting for Phoenix at Walts. I get up from the bed and I instantly regret because my vision does a 180. I lean against the wall for support.

At the bedside table, I see a pair of sunglasses. Whoever put them there is a saint. I slowly walk out of the room like an old lady. There are three hallways when I leave out the room. I take the hallway with the most light which is the left one.

I see why now there was so much natural light while I was walking. I enter the living room and the whole side of the roof are panels of windows that invite the sunlight in. There's a big television right below the windows and above the fireplace. The grey couches look incredibly tempting this morning. I run and jump on them and they're as plush and soft as I imagined them.

I lay face flat on the couch and close my eyes. The sound of my stomach shoots my eyes awake and I remember why I am up anyway. My nose follows the scent of food. Another hallway later and I enter the kitchen. I gasp at what's before me. This kitchen is definitely something from a magazine. It's elegant all white, marble, and gold makes me want to cry just by looking at it. I stand motionless because I don't want to mess this kitchen up.

"Morning." I blink and see William in a suit drinking coffee behind the counter. Was he always there?

I don't know why but I wave at him. "Good morning." He turns around and when he faces me again there's a plate pushed on the counter toward me. My brain functions and I sit on the stool. I know I'm going to throw this back up later but right now it tastes so good. I can really go for some coffee too. I hear a sound and William pushes a mug of coffee to me.

"Thank you."

"You shouldn't drink that much when you're scared, you put yourself in danger by not being on full alert." Damn, he wasn't even going to let me finish eating first before lecturing me.

"Yes, I know."

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Everything past Phoenix coming to get me is a blur." I pull my phone out of my pants pocket and check my notifications. I go on snapchat and see my hair in two perfectly braided dutch braids, but I don't remember braiding my hair last night.

"Who braided my hair last night?" William scrunches his face and shrugs. Odd, drunk me cannot braid hair.

"What are you going to do today?" William asks.

I sigh and get up to put my plate in the sink. "Well, first I'm gonna need to take an uber to my apartment to pick up all my st-"

"Your car is parked in front and your stuff is in your bedroom." I turn around to him. My face must have been that I didn't believe him because he nods to head to the windows. I rush to the benches at the window and my car really is outside.

I turn back around to him. "How did you-?

He shrugs. "You're welcome."

"Thank you," I say.

"I'll show you to your bedroom."

I follow him. "Where I was sleeping isn't my room?"

"No that was just one of the guest bedrooms." We don't go the way I came. We go the opposite way and make a left and there are spiral steps. I follow William up the stairs.

"Can I see your phone?" He asks.

"Why?" I feel my phone in my pocket to make sure it's there. We're not at phone sharing level yet.

"Can I just see your phone?" He repeats. We reach a floor lined with rooms on either side. He holds out his hand. I hesitatingly unlock it and give it to him. I move behind him and look over his shoulders to see what he's doing. He's in my contacts. What is he doing? He stops scrolling when he finds his name. I notice his eyebrows furrow and he purses his lips.

"So my name is there." He mutters. He presses the edit and changes his contact. He passes my phone back to me. I look to see it and it's AAAWilliam. I look at William in confusion.

"My name is at the top of your contact list so I'm the first one you press. Next time call me if anything happens." He says with an unreadable expression. I just nod my head and pretend I understand his behavior. He walks to the end of the short hallway.

"This is your room." He opens the door and moves out of the way. I walk into the room and my jaw would be falling to the floor right now if it could. The room is bigger than my whole apartment. The thought of never leaving this room doesn't seem like a bad idea.

I turn and walk to see more of the room. There's a full sized white bed facing the windows. The room is nicely done with its white furniture and cream colored walls. I walk a little bit farther and there's a desk stationed for me and armoire.

I missed the door that was next to me when I walked in. I walk toward it and open it to reveal a bathroom. The bathroom has a granite bathtub and shower with a big mirror and sink. I walk back out of the bathroom.My favorite part of the room are the big tall windows. I get a great view of the backyard.

"You haven't said anything, do you like it?" I totally forgot William was still here.

"No," I turn back to him. "Oh okay, we could redecora-" He interrupts before I can finish.

"I love it. Thank You."

"You're Welcome

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"You're Welcome. I have to go to the office and work on campaign stuff. What are you going to be doing for the rest of the day?" I check my phone and it's almost 1 in the afternoon.

"I need to check in at work, I haven't been there for a while because of everything."

"What time will you be ho-" William clears his throat. "Here"

I nod. "I'm not sure. I need to run some errands."

William looks away and purses his lips. "Okay well-um-have a good day then." He leaves the room.

The errands I have to run are just shopping errands. I look around my bedroom and think of all the decor I need to buy. Most of the walls of William's house are bare. He really should put up some nice decor, it would add so much life to the house. Now that I think about it, the house seems so silent and dead. The house is beautiful, but there's only one person to admire and take advantage of that beauty. Well, now there's two.

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