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"Ms. T!" The children run from their places and greet me with a big hug. I wrap my arms around all of them and with my eyes closed, embrace their gigantic hug. The learning specialists shake their heads at the third graders running from their homework but with a smile on their faces.

"I missed you all," I say to the kids as we break away from the hug

"Is it true that you're getting married Ms.T?" One of the girls, Ashlei, with the cutest pink box braids asks.

I fake a warm smile. "Yes, it's true"

"Ms. T, can we come to the wedding?" All their eyes suddenly get bigger at the great idea and they turn to me for an answer. My heart aches because I thought it was a great idea but when I voiced it the Harringtons shut it down because it would be too many kids and it would be too much of a hassle. I tried getting support from Phoenix and Sarah but they also vetoed it.

"Unfortunately you guys cannot come because it is a small wedding and there isn't enough space to accommodate you angels." All their heads lower in disappointment. "But I promise to bring my husband here so that you all can meet him and I will bring cake so we can have another little wedding right here, just for you lot. That sound good?." The kids cheer.

As I gaze at their happy faces, I try to find one face in particular but I don't seem to find him.

"Alright kids, you all better get back to work." They all groan but willfully return back to their seats. I find who I'm looking for, way in the back, doing his work. I smile and crouch down low to the table.

"So Freddie you don't think I'm cool enough to say Hi to anymore?" The little brown skin boy looks at me with wide eyes and pushes his glasses up his nose.

Frederick sheepishly smiles. "Sorry Auntie Nini"

"C'mon give me a hug." He hugs me. "It's like you didn't miss me at all."

He laughs. "No, I did."

And as I gaze at him, I notice something different. "Freddie, what happened to your arm?"

He looks down to his left arm in a cast. "I broke it." He bows his head shamefully.

"Broke it how?" He doesn't answer and keeps his head down. "Don't get mad Auntie Nini"

I try not to seem affected. "Finish your work. Is your brother here?" He nods and sits back in his chair.

It breaks my heart what these kids go through. They all live their different lives and have different stories. However, all of them came here for the same reason, to escape what's going on at home. The system is broken and these kids are given the bad end of the deal. They deserve so much in life but aren't given tools that they need to break the cycle. That's why I started this place and that's why I'm determined to keep it running. I walk through the building to go outside where I know I'll find Freddie's brother. As I expected, the kids are playing basketball. Some other kids are playing soccer on the field next to the basketball court.

"Tre!" I call out. One of the taller boys stops playing and looks over. I wave him over and he jogs this way. Freddie and Tre look exactly the same except that Tre is slightly darker than Freddie and Freddie has lighter brown eyes than Tre's coffee brown eyes.

"Hey Auntie E." He gives me a hug but I try to dodge it.

"Boy, do not hug me when you smell like that. Invest in some deodorant please and thank you." He rolls his eyes but smiles. "How's school?"

He shrugs. "It's alright,"

I hit him. "Just because we haven't talked in a while doesn't mean I haven't been keeping tabs on you. I was so proud and happy when I heard you made the honor roll, I knew you could do it."

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal." He scratches the back of his neck.

"You know it's a big deal and you know you're hype as shit that you got it."

"Yeah I am" He does a little dance that makes me laugh. "Is it true that you're marrying that white guy?"

"Yes, it's true."

"I'm offended that I haven't met him yet," Tre says.

"He'll come by, I promise. How's lacrosse?"

Tre's eyes light up. "Good, I made co-captain."

"Making honor roll and now a sophomore making co-captain of the varsity lacrosse team. I'm so proud of you."

Tre looks at me like he had never heard those words before.His smiles gets brighter and wider. "Thanks, Aunt E"

"So formal season is coming up, any ideas on who you wanna take." Tre's eyes move from me to something else. I know exactly who he was gazing at. Right about now in the dance studio, the practice has ended and the girls are free to leave, but one girl always stays behind to practice more. I don't even have to turn my eyes to make sure I'm right.

He looks at me. "Nope, no one."

"Not even Lana" I raise an eyebrow and Tre shakes his head. "Coward."

He sighs. "I know" He kicks the pebbles on the ground. "She's dating this dick and she complains about him to me all the time. He doesn't even deserve her for the shit he's put her through." He watches her.

The only girl that's ever had this boys heart. "Tre, you and Lana have known each other since you guys were Freddie's age if it happens it happens, but if it doesn't you have to move on."

"But I don't want to move on from her." He says quietly but I hear him anyway.

Speaking of Freddie.

"What happened to your brother's arm?" I ask Tre.

Tre's head snaps back to me. He stuffs his hands in his pocket and avoids eye contact with me. "He broke it."

"I know he broke it but how?"

"He fell off his bike."

I've known this boy since he was in second grade. "Tre you know I can tell when you're lying." I turn his face so that he's looking at me. "Remember, you don't lie to me. How did your brother break his arm."

Tre sighs and a look of pure hatred fills his eyes. "Michael."

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