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She isn't home when I awake in the morning. I checked every room and Emani was nowhere to be found. The house echoed the silence after every step I took and I hated it.

"Emani you're killing me" I rub my eyes one last time before making breakfast. I leave a plate for her in case she returns. Her car is still in the driveway so maybe she didn't go far. I do things for work as I'm eating. The Inaugural Ball is in less than three days. I'd like to abolish having any reception after my inauguration and get straight to work. I was strongly opposed by my staff. I hear the door open and close softly. Careful and slow sounds of pressure on the hardwood floor get closer and closer. Emani tenses up, caught off guard to see me. She's in workout clothes so she must've gone for a walk.

I grin. "Good morning."

"Morning." She nods her head, darting her eyes everywhere but my vicinity.

"Are we going to talk about last night?" I ask while sipping my coffee.

"Yes but not right now." She pauses, realizing her mistake. "I mean I want to just talk to someone first and then talk to you with a clear head."

I nod in understanding. "That's fair." That someone would probably be Jasmine. I'm just glad this won't get worse, hopefully.

"I'm gonna shower and then head out." She interrupts my thoughts. She walks quickly past the island table to her room.

"Okay but—"

"Not hungry thank you!" She yells back.

"I made you breakfast." I finish my sentence to the air. I run my hand through my hair in frustration. I throw the plate of french toast in the trash and put the dishes in the sink. I check my phone for the time but my lock screen grabs my attention. It's still the selfie Emani took of us when we went to that cupcake shot. I want more moments like this. Just being happy. Right now, this isn't us and I don't want it to be like this for any longer.

♠️ ♠️ ♠️


"Can I tell her? Can I please tell her?"

"No" Phoenix says sternly. His left side of his jaw ticks while clenching it.

"You can't deny it will bring a new perspective to everything." Jasmine counters.

"Jasmine mi amor." With one arm, he brings her closer to him. "it's not your business to tell."

"But phoenix." She feigns her puppy dog eyes. "She's my friend and—girl code." Jasmine shrugs.

"You know you have to tell me know since I'm right here." I interrupt their side convo. Would you even call it a side convo if nothing about it was discreet or off to the side?

Both their heads whip to me. For only being together for months now, they look like an old married couple. I don't think the light that glimmers in Phoenix's eyes everytime he looks at Jasmine will ever fade. They look good together and they fit. Wherever she goes he goes and vice versa. I can just see little Jasmines and baby Phoenixes running around here. Baby Phoenixes, that's a cute name to call their children.

"Yeah I'm gonna tell her." Jasmine crosses her arms with a smirk on her face. I focus my thoughts on them. Phoenix throws his hands up to the air and groans.

When I got here I told them about my doubts about Will and what happened last night. Jasmine has been trying to persuade me otherwise. She's believed that I probably don't know the full story or the extent to which William loves me. Which I replied with "So enlighten me then." And here we are.

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