1. coffee

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It all started on... last year's christmas. I was working in the coffee shop again, as I always did. I was even working on holidays or weekends and this day just happened to be christmas.
I was full of dreams and hope, I was bright. I worked there to earn some money to finally get myself some music equipment - I dreamt of recording my own songs and I wanted to grow big and for that.. I needed money.
I really liked rapping, I was quite good at it actually - or so I was told, I guess.

On that day, everyone coming in the coffee shop was just so happy and cheerful and nice, I loved seeing all these people smile at me when they ordered their coffees with cookies.

But I noticed one person not really fitting in the other's mood. Unlike the others (who were wearing festive clothes and christmas sweaters) he was dressed all black, his dark brown hair was messy (which looked a bit cute to be honest) and the dark circles he had under his eyes made clear how tired he must have been. To cut it short, he looked like the opposite of everyone else coming to the coffee shop today.

"Hello and welcome, how can I help you?", I greeted enthusiastically and smiled. He just raised his head and looked at me with his tired eyes. "A coffee to go... please" he said and put a 5$-Bill on the table. I nodded and gave him the change (he said I could keep it), he grabbed the coffee and left, mumbling a "bye" as the bells announcing him leaving the coffee shop rang.

I didn't know why, but this guy got me a bit confused. I was wondering why he was so tired, I wss wondering what he was doing, what he would be doing later that day and... I basically spent the rest of the day thinking of him. And I had to admit, I wanted to meet him again.

Which I did. Otherwise I wouldn't tell this story, right? Otherwise all of this wouldn't have happened.

The next time I saw him was like three days later. I was so surprised to finally see him since I spent the days he didn't visit the coffee shop (when I was there) checking if it was him entering when the doorbells announced a new customer coming in.

"Hello and welcome, how can I help you?", I asked him again and - he chuckled, which I honestly didn't expect because he was just so different from everyone else I met here. I didn't even know why. But he was kind of... interesting.

"Are you always saying the same sentence", he stopped his sentence for looking at the name card being pinned on my shirt, "..Yoongi?" and looked at me. "Yeah.. I guess", I answered, blushing a bit because I kind of felt caught. And maybe because I didn't expect him to remember my name. He just nodded and ordered another coffee to go and left again and the second he left, I already knew that I would spent the next days waiting for him.

so yeah, I started another fanfiction.
I'll try uploading regularly and I hope you enjoy it I guess?

Have a nice day everyone!

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