12. frustrated

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Later that day, I had to go to work again and Hoseok went to his dance practice.
When I asked him if he wanted to stay at my apartment another night, he refused my offer, hesitating, saying he'd find a place to go - I was a bit worried about him only saying that to not make me any circumstances but I decided to worry about that later since I was already late for work.

Which happened to not be a big deal because the coffee shop was nearly empty and Taehyung was there, too. Soon, neither of us were busy with anything and we were chatting a bit while observing the coffee shop to look if there were any new guests we had to take orders from.

"You don't look that well today.. what's wrong?", Taehyung asked after a while. I looked at him - he indeed looked worried. "I kissed someone who had a boyfriend like five days ago whom he really loved and I kind of fell for that person and I also kind of confessed to that person but we were drunk that night and he doesn't remember any of it, I-"

The doorbell rang, announcing a new guest. A certain someone, being all sweaty and looking a bit done with everything - Hoseok.

"Who's the lucky guy?", Taehyung cheered, a bit too loud I guess. My face flushed red and I looked at Hoseok. "Hey Hobi", I said with a smile.
"Him?" I heard Taehyung asking behind me and I could practically hear him gasping. I turned around pressing my hand against his mouth to make him shut up. When I stopped doing that, a smirk appeared on Taehyung's face. "So it's really him."

I blushed again, then brought Hoseok his usual order. I would have felt bad though when I left Taehyung so I pulled him to Hoseok's table and we both sat down; I was hoping Tae wouldn't say anything stupid, kicking his leg under the table everytime he started smirking or wiggling his eyebrows.

Taehyung and Hoseok got along pretty well I guess, they exchanged phone numbers and I got afraif Taehyung would tell him about what happened last night.

But somehow I got the feeling they got along better than Hoseok and I did - They were almost as close as us just after talking for.. an hour?

And to be honest, I got a bit jealous.

Taehyung suggested we three had to meet up together once and go somewhere, Hoseok and I agreed. Then Hoseok started talking about dancing and Taehyung told us both he did dancing too and he didn't know Hoseok was the J-Hope and that he always admired his dancing, that Hoseok was kind of his idol which made Hoseok blush and.... I could feel something building up inside of me. I felt bad about feeling this way, but it made me a bit mad seeing them getting along that well.

Especially when they hugged when Hoseol had to go again. It was a long hug and I got jealous, even though I didn't really like skinship that much; That's when I realized I had been considering Hoseok mine and how stupid I was.
I got a hug too, a short one, because I wasn't one of the clingy kind. Oops.

"Where do you live?", Taeyhung asked Hoseok who shook his head. "My ex-boyfriend kicked me out so I booked a hotel room until I'd find something new" and then he left, saying his goodbyes.

That was when I realized I had to do something to get closer to Hoseok - that was when I realized I couldn't have him if I kept being distant, he'd never know how I felt about him.

I really wanted to run after him, saying he could stay at my apartment for another night or all the nights he had to wait until he found something else to stay at but.. Taehyung already did that.
To be honest, I got really mad. Or jealous. Or both, I didn't really care about what exactly I felt at that moment, I cared more about the fact that I felt something about this and it was destroying me.

I took Hoseok's dishes and cleaned them up, then left the coffee shop to go back home, going back in to take the last chocolate muffin being left. Don't judge me, I liked eating when I was frustrated.

okay so it's gonna be like more than 30 degrees outside today and I'll probably die so yeah it was nice to meet you I guess

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