14. i want to remember

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* this one's written from Hoseok's POV because why tf not *

It was really nice of Taehyung to let me stay at his apartment since I had literally nowhere to go; My parents kind of kicked me out when I finally found the courage to tell them I was gay and.. Well, I didn't really expect them to be that mad about this, but I wanted to leave them as soon as I could anyways and so I did, with Jimin, my boyfriend - or should I say ex-boyfriend by now?


Anyways, regarding the fact that I knew Taehyung for.. two days, I felt a bit uncomfortable staying at his house; I barely knew anything about him, he could have.. other intentions. But now, I think he's just a nice person and I like him - even though I have to admit I find him a bit too clingy. As I already said, we know each other for two days and he barely knows anything about me and vice versa. But he'd always come up to me and sit really close to me and hug me and.. Ugh.

Okay, I have to admit - I'm actually into skinship. But - don't get me wrong, I like Taehyung and I am thankful that he let me stay at his' - I feel a bit... confused about skinship with him. I mean, I probably would have chosen someone else's apartment, ... for example Yoongi's or another friend's... over his but I don't want to force myself onto anyone and it was really nice of him to offer me to stay.

Ah, I feel so mean saying these things but - I just can't really feel home in here I guess.

Right now, Taehyung was taking a shower. I learned he was that kind of guy who showered twice a day and he didn't seem to like quick showering; he blocked the bathroom for about 30 to 50 minutes when he was showering. And he was singing. Very, very loudly. I didn't mind that though - I liked his voice and he really could sing; I wonder if he'd grow big with that once. I really hoped he would, he was talented.

The time he spent blocking the bathroom, I could sit there and think about life, think about the situation I'm in, think about myself and think about people in my life. I enjoyed my kind of free time; when Taehyung was around he'd be joking and 'not wanting me to get bored' by trying to entertain me 24/7 (or should I say "24/2 so far"?) and.. It was kind of him but he was a bit annoying sometimes; I couldn't really handle people talking that much and always being happy and cheerful and loud, I- ugh. It made me feel exhausted, to be honest.

Yoongi seemed to be the exact opposite of Taehyung and I enjoyed that. Don't get me wrong again! As I already said a few times, I liked Taheyung. He was just.. well, hard to be around sometimes when you want to have time for yourself because being with him - you won't get any. It's kind of sweet though, he's so nice and caring! And he just wants everyone to be happy, so who am I to judge? Aish, another reason I hate myself.

Yoongi. Something about him made me think of him 24/7 - ever since I met him. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought that Jimin broke up with me - Well, it would be better when he let me stay at our - now his - apartment but what can I do now?

Another thing I couldn't get out of my mind was when he asked me if we should talk about what happened last night because I was really really really curious about what that might be. But I had no idea. The only thing I remember clearly is that we drank. Maybe a bit too much. But I wanted to remember, I really did. I just couldn't.

I wondered if I should ask him once or soon. He was a sweet guy and it really seemed to be imprtant to him so I just wanted to know.

It was when I heard my phone announcing a new message. Who would message me? I was confused.
And as if I had done some magic trick - Yoongi had texted me.

"I'm falling Hoseok
Catch me please."

i need e-books or something for school honestly I'm carrying all of my school books rn and it hurts SO MUCH i feel dead and my back does too

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