10. - "oh"

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"Let's play.. never have I ever", I suggested. Hoseok laughed, then looked at me with a confused expression. "I have literally no idea what that is but yeah, let's do this!"

I explained the rules, then we both decided that we had to drink half a shot of wodka every time someone had done something the other person never did.

"Hm..", I started, "never have I ever left the house naked?"
I saw Hoseok blushing a bit and then taking half a shot, me looking at him in a shocked expression.
"You did?", I laughed. "Don't judge me, I was drunk!", the younger one pouted and burst out laughing which I joined.

"It's my turn now, right? Never have I ever.. had a girlfriend." He laughed and I took half a shot. Then I looked at Hoseok and I could see.. something in his eyes and it looked like he was disappointed by something, but.. I'd just be imagining that anyways. "I'm bisexual!", I tried to protect myself from judging by rhe person I may have had a huge crush on, oops.

Who just chuckled and said "good to know", which made me blush a bit, I really didn't know why though.

"Never have I ever spent the whole night cuddling with someone", I mumbled, Hoseok taking another shot. "You really want to get me drunk, don't you? Remember I had a boyfriend until like.. a week ago?"
He clicked his tongue but then chuckled again, I grinned.

A short silence developed, until Hoseok broke it again. "If you want to play it like that... Never have I ever kissed someone." ..and I took another shots.

That's how the story went and soon, we were.. pretty drunk I guess but still continued playing, Hoseok now sitting unbelievably close to me, our legs and hands meeting from time to time which got me a bit flustered. "Never have I ever... Liked someone I shouldn't like", Hoseok said and I took another shot.

I wondered if he was trying to lead me in some direction but I shook off the thought of that really fast, why should he? Because I knew it was him I fell for. Did he know that, too?

"Pass", I said, not having any ideas on things I never did Hoseok could have done. He nodded.
"Then... It's me again I guess", he said, "so.. Never have I ever fell in love with a certain someone named Jung Hoseok."

He grinned, looking at me and I thought he would be bursting out laughing any second.

I was shocked and let out a small laugh then. Like three seconds later, I realized it probably wouldn't change anything if I confessed to him right now because him and me, we were both fucking drunk so I.. drank and he looked at me.

"Oh", he said, his face dropping, then him biting his lip. Before that, everything felt blurry, everything felt like it was.. shutting out everything not being positive. Now, it all felt clear. Fuck, I made a mistake.

And I made another mistake
when I leaned in to make our lips meet; make my lips finally meet his oh so kissable looking and beautiful lips. The lips I always wondered how they would feel on mine, the lips I wanted to feel on mine. And it felt even better than I expected and my heart felt like it was gonna be falling out of my chest and I felt the famous butterflies in my stomach flying up my throat and making me suffocate but it was so wonderful and I didn't want to feel anything else from the rest of my life..... until I felt him kissing back. Until I knew the only thing I needed in my life now was being his. And then he pulled away, biting his lip again, looking at me.

"Oh", I said, him letting a light smile playing on his lips. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-", I continued but he interrupted me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, don't worry" I heard him say but I could see his eyes reddening, not being sure if it was the alcohol's or my fault and I sighed. And then he pulled me into a hug. "It's my fault so.. I'm sorry if I made you do something you didn't want to do", he apologized and I shook my head. He really didn't need to apologize.

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