20. pancakes

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Soon, Hoseok woke up, yawning and stretching his body, accidently hitting my shoulder. "Oh, sorry", he mumbled, still half asleep. I couldnt help but let out a quiet "aww" because - It was just too cute, okay?

He sat up and looked around, mumbling "This is quite familiar" and then he fell out of the bed. I started laughing - I tried to suppress it but it didn't really work so I just burst out laughing.
In response to that, I earned a.. quite shocked look from Hoseok.

"Is this... The first time I have heard you laugh that loudly or is this just because I feel half dead?" and I just continued laughing. He nodded and walked around the room, searching for his bag of clothes which was.. still at Taehyung's.

"Shit", he whispered, "Umm.. Can I borrow some of your clothes or do I have to walk around half-naked for the rest of the day? I mean some people wouldn't complain about tha- Aishhh what am I saying?!"

To be honest - I really wouldn't complain. I mean, I never saw him with his shirt off, but I already had to calm myself down when he fell out of the bed and his shirt lifted up a bit so I had a good sight on his perfectly formed abs and - Ahh, no I couldn't do that. In the end he would just catch a cold and I would end up jerking off in the bathroom, shit.

"Yeah, just try to find some stuff in my wardrobe. You're taller than be but I think that won't be that much of a big problem - I have many oversized hoodies in there."

He picked a black hoodie - My favourite hoodie - and started changing, his back facing me but IN FRONT OF ME and I couldn't decide if I should just.. enjoy the show or look away. Well, I picked "enjoy the show".

"Do we want to make breakfast? I'm starving", Hoseok.. kind of suggested and I just nodded. "I like pancakes", I said and he agreed with me, so we decided to make pancakes.

In the process of cooking, the fact that Hoseok's cooking skills were actually pretty good came to light. Okay, it was just pancakes - but he did them in a way that completely impressed me. If this guy had a cooking show, I would probably spend all day watching it.

Okay, let's be honest, I'd even spend the whole day staring at the screen if he had a show where he wouls just sit there and do nothing. Having him beside me was better, though. I loved it. I loved him. Oops did I just say that?

Yes, I loved him. I fell for him. I fell in love with him. Funny how I could repeat that in my mind for hours but I couldn't bring out a single word of it when I was standing in front of him.

The pancakes were delicious, Yet I couldn't take my eyes off the boy sitting in front of me. Jung Hoseok. And he just wouldn't notice and I wondered if he did one day. Or if he already did and I was the one to leave that unnoticed. We didn't say a word until we finished eating and Hoseok said he thought he had to go back to Taehyung and if it was just for getting his stuff and he asked me if he could stay at my apartment if things didn't go well with Taehyung and of course, I said yes.

Then he left, hugging me before saying goodbye and I hugged back, breathing in the smell of.. pancakes? Yeah, he smelled like pancakes. I liked it though.

When he was not there anymore, I started to think about the times I fell in love and I wondered when I fell in love the last time. If I ever fell in love before. And no, I didn't. I had crushes, I had boyfriends and a girlfriend but.. I never fell so hard as I did for Hoseok.

It didn't hurt though, maybe I had landed on pancakes. And if there was any chance Hoseok would fall too, maybe he would land right next to me?

SPORTS DAY UGH and it's gonna be more than 30 degrees outside again aka. it's gonna be the death of me :))
Isn't it supposed to be spring though? We didn't have a single 'spring day' here. Whether it was hot or I was freezing my ass off.
Anyways, have a good day :)

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