24. crashing down

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I didn't know why I said that, but when we kissed it felt like something inside of me was breaking däown. It felt like all the walls I built up inside came crashing down. I felt.. somehow free. Like I was flying.

It was beautiful. I.. I didn't know what to do or think, I felt like I was blewn away. Then Yoongi pulled away again and I felt like I was falling.

I gasped, a bit shocked about all the feelings running wild inside of my mind. I didn't know I was still abled to feel so much at once. Something inside of me was basically exploding. Was it the famous butterflies everyone kept talking about?

But to be honest, I knew that feeling. Yes, I felt that way before. Jimin.
Jimin was the person I felt this way for. But maybe.. Maybe I didn't realize that all of these feelings I had were for Yoongi. Maybe I thought Jimin was the only one for me all the time when deep inside I had already moved on, deep inside I found someone else and I was falling.

Deep inside I was falling for Yoongi.

A kiss, a simple kiss made me realize all of this. A kiss made me break down the walls I have been hiding myself behind. I felt like I finally became whole again.


Maybe, I indeed was falling. And maybe my biggest mistake was to think that I never could fall. My biggest mistake was to think I could never fall in love again because shit, I was so blind all the time.

I looked up at Yoongi, I was speechless. I still didn't remember, but now I.. believed him. I finally could believe everything he said and maybe one day when I stopped falling and started landing, he would catch me and then I could fall with him. Maybe I already fell with him without noticing; maybe I already fell in love with him. And it felt so good.

"Yoongi...", I whispered. He just looked at me, a light smile on his face and tears in his eyes. And fuck, I was almost about to cry again too.
"Yoongi..", I repeated, not really being abled to form my thoughts into words but I think he understood what I was trying to tell him anyways.

"Hoseok..", he whispered and suddenly I felt like we were in some cheesy teen-love movie. I didn't  are about that though. It was beautiful.

"I think.. I think I have to take some of the things I said earlier back. Yoongi, I think..."

I stopped. I looked at him.

"I think I am falling for you.
Not just because of the kiss, but way earlier. Maybe I already started falling for you when I walked in the coffee shop and saw you for the first time. I am very sorry if I pulled you in emotional rollercoasters but somehow, I started hiding myself behind walls I built up inside of me just to hude what I was feeling from myself. And the kiss.. The kiss showed me how to break down these walls. I want to thank you, Yoongi, but i don't know how to express my feelings. But I think maybe I have already fallen for you, I-"

I was interrupted by Yoongi letting out a quiet sob and I sat down next to him, hugging him tightly. "You.. you don't know what you're doing to me right now, Hoseok", he muttered while intereupting himself with cute, little sobs.

"I am so sorry, Yoongi. My biggest mistake was to think that I never could fall."

I lifted his chin, making him look at me; it hurt to see him cry. And I kissed him.

"I am falling, Hoseok.
Catch me please", Yoongi whispered and now, I understood.

hm hm hm hm hm hm hm

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