6. flower crown

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I didn't see him for a few days again, he texted me he didn't have much time since the audition he was practising for was on the next weekend. I missed him. I missed him a lot to be honest. But I kept on working in the coffee shop, being nice to everyone and that's all of it.
I also got to know my co-worker Taehyung, he was really nice. I think we came along pretty well, we became friends and spent some time joking and fooling around. We also talked about meeting outside work once.

Today, Hoseok didn't really warn me that he would come in today but he did. Well, Taehyung was the one he ordered at. I was watching them, Hoseok was smiling. Then Taehyung came back and looked at me. "Do you know that guy?", he asked. I nodded and he went on. "He's pretty hot. And he asked for you."
Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, I sighed. "Little Taetae, he has a boyfriend. Don't think that way." The younger one giggled. "But he also has something for you."

I had to admit I was a bit excited, reminding myself to not expect anything at all. I brought him his order and sat down at his table, as I always did. "Hello Yoongi", he said with a smile, I grinned. "Hey Hoseok, didn't expect you today."
"I brought you something...", he began, then fishing an item out of his sport bag, "don't expect too much, honey, it's a flower crown. I don't know, I just thought you'd look cute in it. Plus I immediately had to think of you when I passed by the store that was selling them so.. I bought it."

I couldn't help but blush and grin at the same time. "Thank you!", I said, putting on the flower crown he handed me. "How do I look?", I asked, making a face. He laughed. "You look absolutely beautiful, darling", he answered with a smirk.
I looked around, I noticed Hoseok was earlier than usual and the coffee shop was still kinda busy. Taehyung was looking at me, I think he needed help. "Ummm Hoseok, I think I can't really have that chat right now, it's still pretty busy in here and my co-worker can't manage that on his own so.. I'm sorry. Thank you once again and see you soon!" He waved at me, letting out a small "bye cutie" which made me blush and I got back to work.

When I arrived at Taehyung's side, he immediately was smirking. "He has a boyfriend, huh? Sure that's not you?"
I sighed again, looking down. "Yeah, pretty sure that's not me."
"You look cute in that flower crown, though. Please don't take it off." He smiled and I smiled back. "Thank you", I said, then continued serving our guests.

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