11. early

107 11 1

After the kiss we both.. seperated a bit, even though we both were still drunk. Fuck.
Anyways, somehow I found myself waking up having my head laying on Hoseok's chest, who was still sleeping I guess, his right arm laying on my waist and his left hand in my hair - the position we laid in made me blush slightly. And.. How did we come here?

Anyways, I tried concentrating on other things - Like getting away from this warm body that was surely comforting me by accident, kind of. I didn't want to make Hoseok feel uncomfortable or regret anything when he woke up so I had to make him let go of me. It hurt a bit to be honest, more emotionally than psysically though because I really wanted to stay like this all day or week; his arms around me was probably the most comfortable thing I ever felt in my entire life.

Then the memories came, slowly crawling into my mind and I wondered if it wouldn't have been better if the memories stayed locked away in my mind's Gringott's .. And I wondered if Hoseok remembered my confession or the kiss.

The kiss.
I immediately started smiling when I thought of it, I felt the butterflies in my stomach and I found another reason to not get up from Hoseok's chest.

Which I remembered I really had to do, so I did and I went showering, throwing on random clothes I found in my closet and running to some café near my appartment, buying coffee for the both of us and something to eat - I only realized how cheesy that was when I came back home. Oh god.

Hoseok was still asleep, snuggling into a pillow and snoring very, very quietly which I thought was.. surprisingly cute? I sat down next to him and decided to wait until he wakes up on his own, but I wasn't one of the patient kind - I started poking his cheeks to wake him up 5 minutes later.

He groaned. "Let me sleep", he snapped, his voice sounding a bit raspy since he was still tired. I chuckled - it was pretty cute to be honest. "But I brought food and coffee..." I pouted. He sighed and groaned once again, mumbling an "how can someone be that motivated in the morning?" while pressing his head into the pillow.

"You do you, just come to me when you're finished doing what you want to do now but since you're already awake and I successfully ruined your sleep... you might get up soon"
As an answer, he just made.. some noise I identified as an agreement.

I went to the kitchen and put two plates on the table, Hoseok followed me five minutes later, now dressed in a red and black striped t-shirt which suit him very well, against my expectation. Apparently he was one of those people still looking gorgeous wearing a trashcan.

"Sorry, I tend to be a bit grumpy in the morning.. I'm not really a morning person, you know?"
Hoseok forced a smile and looked at me, and I forgot how to answer because I was busy asking myself how it could be possible to look as perfect as he did even though he just woke up and put a t-shirt on, not even trying to fucking blow me away which he did anyways and I couldn't help but stare at him, fuck.
Before I could realize how long I was staring at him, at his messy yet perfectly laying hair and his tired eyes I could have drowned in and .. just everything about him had me shook and I guess it was just too early in the morning to look at someone like him while I looked like I literally just climbed out a toilet.

I saw Hoseok smirking at me; "What are you staring at?" and I could just stutter apologies, trying to not hold my mouth open because I couldn't really handle his handsomeness - how did that never happen before?

He finally sat down on the opposite of the table and we started eating quietly, not really having something to talk about and there was music playing in the background. Hoseok was looking at my shelf of random journals and notebooks I wrote down lyrics and ideas I wanted to make something of later when I finally had enough money to get my music equipment and.. well, some scribbles too.

"Drawing or writing?", he asked. "Both", I answered, he nodded. "I do only writing", he went on, "I suck at drawing."
Then he giggled, I giggled too.

"Do we need to talk about yesterday night?", I asked and Hoseok's facial expression changed very quickly from a smile to .. more of an emotionless face, I guess, taking some time to answer my question. He looked like he was thinking really hardly, until- "Did something special happen last night? I'm really sorry but I guess I can't remember..", he said. I nodded.

You know, I should be glad he didn't remember the kiss and everything else plus my kind of confession to him but.. to be honest, it kind of hurt. "No, nevermind", I said, then drinking my coffee, him doing the same.

thank you all for more than 100 reads!! i mean, wasn't it like 60 yesterday and 30 two days ago? it makes me really happy and motivated, thank you

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