4. hello?

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min yoongi:
hey >

jung hoseok:
< hello?
< who is this?

min yoongi:
ah sorry >
it's yoongi :) >

jung hoseok:
< so you found the little
   note i left you on my
< :)

min yoongi:
yep apparently i did. >
planning on coming >
to the shop tomorrow?  
I'm just curious ;) >

jung hoseok:
< nah, got a day off
< hope you won't miss
   me too bad :)

jung hoseok went offline.

min yoongi:

i will :( >
! message not sent.

I sighed and went to bed again. I really would be missing him the next day. I slept in pretty fast and ... couldn't stop thinking of him.

He was the first thing coming into my head when I woke up. I got up, trying not to think of him because - for fuck's sake, he was in a relationship!! and I went to the bathroom, trying to make myself look acceptable.

After a short breakfast I got to work then. I really missed him that day. I shouldn't be missing him, though. I wasn't even sure if I wasn't only imagining the whole thing - I just didn't get close to anyone in years because there was other things I had to focus on. Not that I didn't have friends, but I didn't meet anyone new the past.. three years? Especially no one looking so damn good even if he was all sweaty and stuff. Oops.

I was.. released from work earlier that day, Seokjin had enployed another guy - I think his name was Taehyung - and now he was working when I wasn't, "So I could get some free time too" as my employee said.

It was raining, but since it was January that didn't feel that good to be honest. I was freezing my ass off already and now there was also water in my face. Thanks for nothing.

I lived near the coffee shop, as Hoseok did, but I didn't expect meeting him on the street, to be honest. Especially not holding hands with somebody else - I guess it was Jimin - who he was also sharing an umbrella with. They looked cute but I tried not to get attention from them since I didn't want to disturb them or anything. Well, I got their attention though when they stopped walking suddenly and I didn't notice because I was focussing on the rain falling down on the pavement and I bumped straight into.. Jimin I guess.

"S-sorry", I mumbled, the guy I bumped in just smiled. "It's okay, don't worry."
I was about to leave when Hoseok looked at me.
"Ah, Yoongi!", he said. Jimin looked a bit confused and I blushed. "Ahhhh so this is the coffee shop guy you told me about!"

He laughed and I joined shyly. "Yeah.. I guess that's me", I said and I started wondering why he would be talking about me, pushing away that thought immediately.

"Well.. we were about to go inside, so see you soon Yoongi!", Hoseok said and smiled, Jimin smiled too, waving his hand. "See you then", I answered and continued my wall home.

Apparently they didn't live that far away from me, my house was only two streets away. When I finally got home, I let myself fall on the sofa and I started binging some new series on netflix. I didn't really care about the content, I just fell asleep.

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