9. - it's good.

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Again, I didn't see him for a few days, but this time, it was worse because I knew he wasn't feeling well when he left and.. I was slightly worried about him, to be honest.
He didn't answer my calls, he didn't answer my texts and I didn't see him anywhere.
This is why I decided to visit the house Jimin and Hoseok had lived in since I saw them going in there once.

I arrived and checked the door bell signs. There was one sign saying "Park" and the name next to it was removed with a tippex whitener, so I guessed that was their apartment. I rang the bell.

"Who's there?", I heard someone say. Not Hoseok. "Yoongi.. Min Yoongi. Is Hoseok here?" - I heard a chuckle coming from the speaker. "No, he left a few days ago. I don't know where he went though, sorry Yoongi. This is Jimin by the way." I nodded, then realizing he couldn't see that.
"Okay, thank you Jimin", I answered, "bye."

And with that I was even more worried about him than before. I missed him and I wanted to see him - even though he probably visited his family but he couldn't just ... leave now, could he? And why didn't he tell me?

Lost in my thoughts, I walked down the streets of Seuol thinking about where I could find Hoseok until I.. Bumped into a jogging guy in sweatpants. I fell.

"Oh god, I'm sorry!", the other apologized, then helped me getting up. "Are you okay?", he asked, looking at me, then his expression changing very quickly into a light smile. "Yoongi!"
He hugged me and I was confused, but I hugged back.

"Hoseok", I said, "nice to meet you!"
I didn't tell him how much I missed him and how worried I was. "I'm sorry but I can't really stay with you right now.. I'm already late for practice..", he said, then put the sports bag back on his shoulder. "Bye Yoongi!", he said and I smiled, waving at him.

It was weird. And he seemed surprisingly fine. He could hide everything going on inside of him, though. I barely knew him. But I texted him again, asking if he'd like to meet up later at my house, he replied two hours later.

< I couldn't say no, Yoongi!
   See you later, and don't forget
   to tell me where you live. xD

I smiled at his message and decided to clean up my room - I didn't want to embarrass myself with my room being messy as hell. I told him my address and soon, he was there.

Looking fine as hell, boyfriend material over nine tho- stop. None of that bullshit, we're friends and watching a movie.

"Can we pleeeease watch the fault in our stars?", Hoseok was whining. I laughed. "I never watched it. It's probably waaay to cliché for me!!"
He looked at me with puppy eyes. "Pleeease Yoongi, after that I'll let you choose what we're doing"

So I let him put on the movie. He started crying the second Augustus and Hazel met the first time which I found cute.
"It's just.. It makes me sad knowing what will happen to them later, you know?", he explained himself, sobbing and crying on my shoulder. I patted his head and tried concentrating on the movie.

At the end of the movie, I joined him crying and we hugged. When the credits started playing, I found Hoseok complaining about how tragic the end was.

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