3. napkins

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The next day he came here at the exact same time as the day before. He was wearing sweat pants again and he was a bit sweaty, his hair was messy but unlike the other times I saw him he didn't look that tired.

I already had cleaned all the tables so I sat down to his table again, greeting him as he was eating a chocolate muffin again.

"Hi", he mumbled.
"Hello", I said.
He smiled at me. He smiled.

After a while he opened up his mouth again.
"I'm sorry that I always come here in sweatpants, I feel so inappropriate but I came here straight after training and didn't have the opportunity to change my clothes yet so..-" I stopped him.
"No, it's okay, we're a coffee shop not some royal restaurant"
I laughed, he joined me. His laugh was truly beautiful.

We spent some time talking about this and that, I learned new things about him. He's a dancer, he danced for a long time now and right now he's practising for an audition, that's why he always leaves so late. He lives in a small flat near this coffee shop, he moved here a month ago from Gwangju and he's sharing the flat with another guy he's also dancing with called Jimin. He also told me he was 17 years old which made him a year younger than I was.

We didn't talk that long though; 10 minutes after I should have closed the coffee shop my employee Kim Seokjin practically kicked him and me out, apologizing to Hoseok who was leaving very quickly while I still had to clean his table.
I was kind of sad now that he was gone, but I was looking forward to meet him again.

"Fkirting with customers, aren't you?", Seokjin said to me as I was about to leave, pslying with a grin on his face. I blushed. "I-I dont! He's just nice", I answered. The older chuckled. "Do you really think I would mind that? Just don't let it disturb any business in here I guess."
I nodded while blushing to death. What did he even think? I wasn't even really.. interested in him in.. that way.

Oh, and I just remembered another thing he told me. His flatmate, that Jimin, was also his boyfriend.

I finished cleaning up the table and I was about to throw Hoseok's napkin into the trash as I noticed some messy handwriting on it.

8xxx-xxx-xx; text me if you'd want to, you seem nice. - j.hs :)

And then I was confused.
I grabbed my phone and put the number with a "Hoseok :)" in my contacts, threw the napkin into the trash and finally left the coffee shop.

i hope you all have a good day.

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