2. muffins

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After the second time I saw him he didn't come here the next two weeks. I got him out of my head and didn't really think of him or hoped that he wouls come in the shop every second.

That night I was cleaning up tables, it was twenty minutes before we would close the coffee shop for tonight and at that time, no one comes here anymore. Usually.
But this time, he came in and looked at me.
"Oh", he said, "are you closed or can I still order?". I looked at him and smiled, not just because of me being all nice but because of me being happy to see im again because.. I really didn't expect that. "No, but we will close in twenty minutes", I said and he nodded. "Do you have muffins?", he asked.

When I took a closer look at him I saw that he was wearing sweatpants and he looked very exhausted and tired, maybe he did sports earlier.
"Hmm... we have chocolate muffins, the rest is already sold out" I answered and he said "Oh thank you, they're my favourite" and you sat down and I brought you a coffee and a chocolate muffin. I finished cleaning the other tables and just stood there watching him as he was eating his muffin and drinking his coffee, looking back at me awkwardly which made me smile. "Don't put yourself under pressure, I can wait", I said. He let out a nervous chuckle.

"You could just sit here with me if you have so much fun watching me eat. It would be less awkward I guess" he.. suggested? I didn't really understand if he meant what he was saying or nut but I sat down on his table. He just continued eating.

"What's your name?", I asked him. He waited until he finished chewing and then looked at me. "Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hoseok since I only know your first name too" he said pointing at my name card, then finishing his muffin.



After he left the coffee shop and I cleaned up the table he sat on and then said goodbye to my employee his name was all I could think of, right next to his face and the way he talks, smiles, eats, exists?

I felt so weird and I was really annoying myself. I was afraid I may start developing feelings for him but I put that thought away quickly - all I knew about him was his name, the thought of having fallen for him just seemed stupid to me.

Which I didn't realize was that I was in fact slowly falling for him, even if I was just at the beginning of it. But it felt so good - I think I would have just jumped down if I wasn't already falling.

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