13. catch me

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The next day in the coffee shop, I could feel my heart dropping when I saw Taehyung and Hoseok coming in, the older's arm around Tae's shoulder and both of them chatting and laughing together.

I sighed, and tried to ignore them, until Taehyung came up to me and Hoseok left the shop again. Did Hoseok really walk Tae to work? It kind of felt like my falling for Hoseok was hopeless, and I was afraid he couldn't catch me. I was afraid he couldn't catch me because he was already holding someone else who fell for him - Taehyung, and I was just a waste of space layig on the ground next to them.

"Hello~", I greeted Taehyung with a light smile which he returned. "Hey Yoongi, thank you for making me come in contact with Hoseok, he is such a sweet person!"
I could barely keep myself from sighing dramatically. You're right, I thought, but "Oh oh, someone's gotten lovesick!", was what came out of my mouth. Oops. And then I looked at Taehyung, blushing and stuttering, trying to find a way to respond - Another oops. Well, as I said, I thought it's hopeless.

"But you two just have met!", I laughed, Taehyung blushed even more. "Well.. I might.. like him I guess? In just.. Like, nothing more than that but I can't deny that he's very attractive." He grinned and somehow my dropped heart found a way to climb up a bit again.

Anyways, I really had to find a way to get closer to him. I couldn't make "Taeseok" happen, I was there first- and I realized that after all, it would all be to Hoseok's choice, I couldn't manipulate his feelings towards me, nor could I do the same to his feelings towards Taehyung and maybe I just have been a bit over-protective over something that's not even mine. Someone, maybe the most precious person I met in my entire life.

I got out of my thinking wheel when Taehyung walked past me to put on his uniform, I also noticed guests coming in who I had to take orders from.

This was gonna be a long day and I couldn't wait for Hoseok to come in later, especially because Taehyung left work earlier so I.. could be with Hoseok alone. Don't get me wrong, I liked Taehyung - he was such a sweet guy and he was very nice! (*very nice - seventeen starts playing*) It was just.. I got jealous easily and I really hated it, but I couldn't help it. I also got jealous when there was mostly no need to - Just as in this situation. Ugh.

So yeah, I looked forward to having some alone time with Hoseok which.. Sounds pretty uhm.. wrong, but I couldn't find another way to put my thoughts into words.

Later, he finally came here and I was never as excited to see him - I also felt sorry for him because when I saw him I immediately ran into his direction and hugged him tightly, not caring if he was all sweaty and exhausted again and I think he got a bit confused because I wasn't really that skinship kind of guy and I think he knew that already but.. With him it felt different and I couldn't help but be willing to squish him because he was just so cute and to be honest, I really didn't know what was happening to me. I think I bumped into something on my fall for Hoseok.

"Uhm.. Nice to see you too, Yoongi", Hoseol chuckled and hugged me back and it felt wonderful. Someone please explain my mood swings to me?

I got him his usual order and we talked about life and.. he was talking about how nice it was of Taehyung to let him sleep at his apartment but I decided it would be better to just ignore my jealousy.

Before he left, I asked him where he was staying, and he told me Taehyung let him stay for another night (which he was very thankful for, as he told me) and then he left again, me wondering if he just didn't want to remember what happened two days ago.. because I did and I wanted him to remember.

When I got home, I drank.
And somehow, it led me to text Hoseok.

I'm falling Hoseok. >
Catch me please. >

And then I slept in.

someone tell me how to breathe properly and how to get that somg from the radio out of my head

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