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When I was finished doing all of my work for that day, he was already gone. I felt a bit disappointment coming up inside of me, but I put it down, realizing I couldn't expect him to wait for me since he had a life and I wasn't showing up at hus table for.. two hours? Now the shop was empty, and he wouldn't come back. It was already time to close the shop, so I left. Outside, the cold wind almost blew the flower crown off my head. I continued walking, hoping to meet Hoseok somewhere, hoping to see him sitting on a bench and everytime I saw someone passing by I would stare at them and feel disappointed when I saw that none of them were Hoseok.

It was stupid and didn't make any sense. But how could i help it? He was on my mind all the time - I didn't even deny it anymore. I fell for him and .. he didn't catch me. He didn't catch me yet. Maybe I was still falling? Maybe he could still come and catch me.
Would he though?

I shut the door I labeled as 'my stupid thoughts' and started trying to focus on something else than Hoseok (by thinking of how I could think of something else than him), also because I knew he had a fucking boyfriend and ah.

To cut the story short, I came home and watched some series on netflix and slept in. The rest of what I did that night didn't really matter - I'm here to tell the story of Hoseok and me, not some unimportant bullshit.

The next day, I woke up to a text from Hoseok.

Jung Hoseok:
< I won't come today, it's
   the day of my competition
< Do you want to come there?
< I'd love meeting you there!! :)
   Call me if you want and I'll
   tell you the details :)

So I decided to call him. He told me where to come, when to come and I was so happy to hear his voice.

Time passed by way too slowly. I checked the time every five minutes, waiting for the time I could finally leave work and get ready for Hoseok's audition. I was very excited, maybe a bit too excited, but I was very happy to a) meet and see him again and b) to see him dance.

And then the time came; it was 5PM and I basically ran out the coffee shop to my apartment, threw some new clothes out of my wardrobe, took a shower and got ready. I actually looked a bit acceptable today and I was just so excited.

The whole thing took place in a gymnasium, I went inside and spotted Jimin very quickly. Since he was the only person I knew being there I walked up to him and sat down. "Hello Jimin", I said and he smiled at me. "Hello... Hoseok, it's nice that you're here!"

And then we didn't really have that much to talk about so we just sat there, quietly, waiting for the show to begin. I saw many good dancers, but they only had half of my attention, to be honest. My thoughts were just all about Hoseok and when it finally was his turn, I couldn't take my eyes off him. The way he moved his body - I didn't even know someone could do that! - with all the confidence in every step he took he had and how he made it all seem so easy when it was so impressive and absolutely not easy-to-do-looking... I was speechless and I was blewn away. And maybe it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life: Hoseok dancing.

When his performance ended, I almost couldn't stop my cheering and clapping. Then I spent the rest of the time fangirling with Jimin about Hoseok. Soon, the competition was over and someone in a red suit announced the winner

..who was obviously Hoseok. I heard fans chanting for him and I joined the swarm of cheering. I felt so happy for him.

I met him later, giving congratulations and he was just so happy and smiling and.. hot and I couldn't stop talking about how amazing his performance was because.. damn.

Jimin and Hoseok went home quickly and I had nothing else to do so I went back home too. I was so happy. He really deserved it.

ah this one's really shitty. I'm sorry.

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