Ch 1 Get Your Game On

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Jaden awoke from his sleep to realize that he was going to be late for the entrance exam for Kaiba's school that he had opened years ago. He couldn't go when it first opened because he was not old enough. He ran down the streets and was thinking about all the fun he was going to have at DA. Then his favorite duel spirit came to him and she said "well Jaden this is the first time in a while that you have been excited to go to school in a while." Jaden said "Yubel I want to have a normal life and duel people is that so hard to ask?"

Yubel looked at him and smiled and then bam Jaden ran into someone. Jaden quickly got up and apologized to him then saw it was Yugi. Yugi smiled and told him that he was going to be late for the exam. Jaden said that if he made any friends at the entrance exam he would invite them to the card shop. Yugi said he would be there. Jaden shook hands with his friend and he was off to the races. At the Kaiba Dome the people who were about to close up when Jaen came rushing to sigh up. They knew who he was but they kept their composure and he was able to sigh up and all he needed to do was win his practice exam. 

Jaden walked into the stadium and saw the duels taking place. He then spotted a boy with blueish hair and approached him. Jaden then said "hello, how are you doing?" The boy said "hi I am fine. My name is Syrus what is your name?" Jaden said "my name is Jaden and did you get into the academy yet?" Syrus said "yes but I am still confused on how I won my match but I am going to be enrolled." Jaden said "great, I will be in as soon as I duel." 

Syrus said "that might be hard because the last two duels are almost finished." Jaden looked down at the first field and saw a boy with a strong monster on the field but the proctor had stronger defense monsters. The boy then activated Ring of  Destruction and destroyed his monster and won him the duel. Jaden was impressed but not as must as the girl that was dueling over on the other field. The proctor had B. Skull Dragon on the field and the girl had two monsters on the field. The girl then said "I Tune my two monsters which are level seven so now I can Synchro summon Black Rose Dragon in attack mode (2400atk)"

The girl them said "I now use my Black Rose Dragon's effect to destroy all cards on the field." Black Rose Dragon destroyed all cards then destroying itself then the duel was turned by this. The girl then said "I play Monster Reborn to bring back Black Rose Dragon in attack mode. Now attack the proctor directly." The duel was over and Jaden was very impressed. He then remembered Pegasus telling him that he was releasing now cards that revolve around different idea of summoning.

Then a man or what others to considered a clown was looking at the duel and then was happy that the last applicate was in. Then the person from the front desk approached the person and said "I am sorry Crowler but one last applicate has come to take his exam." Crowler said "did you just call me Crowler. I have PhD in dueling so I have the right to Doctor. So sent that flunky that he will have to come next year." The rest of the group of proctors argued that he should be given a chance. 

Crowler then said "late is rude." Then Crowler's phone went off and he answered it. Sheppard was on the line telling him to let all people that are wanting to get in. Then Crowler got another call from someone's number he didn't recognized. He answered is and Seto Kaiba was one the line telling him what Sheppard had told him just in a more serous tone and didn't want any excuses. Crowler then ended the call and then he said to the proctors that he was going to duel the late boy. But then ran to go do the task not thinking about the duel decks as he was going to use his own.

Then an announcement  was made that Jaden should report to field exam three. Then Jaden got to where he was needed to be and was ready to duel and his opponent was ready. Crowler said "name student?" Jaden said "Jaden, sir, ready to get my game on." Crowler looked at the kid and said "ok let get this over with." Jaden said "ok but first thing is first I have a question for you? Which deck would you like me to use?" Crowler said "what?" Jaden said "choose which deck I use ok. One is really well known deck and the other is very rare."

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