Ch 32 The Beasts Rise

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Principal Sheppard was in his office and he could feel that something bad was going to happen. Meanwhile Jaden was dueling Syrus and Syrus was winning but then Jaden used Neos Fusion to summon Elemental Hero Air Neos and the monster gained attack equal to that of the difference in life points. Jaden attacked and won the duel. Syrus was so determined to win that he didn't focus on protecting his monsters. Alexis, Akiza, and Bastion was watching the duel and Bastion said "Jaden you have so many ways to fusion summon that it is almost impossible to predict your moves."

Jaden said "because of Pegasus I can get cards that he believes is strong and I can you that to my advantage. I win tournament and I get the prize money but he get a spike in popularity and he makes new cards. I heard that he made Kaiba and Joey new cards so that they could be more competitive. Also I heard from Yugi and he said that got new support and got new magician cards." Bastion said "if only I could see the cards in action I would help you analyze and help come up with a way to beat the deck."

Chazz was roaming the school didn't know what he wanted to do. Then a small voice said "so what are we going to do today boss?" Chazz said "who said that?" The voice said "it's me Ojama Yellow and we are going to be best friends." Chazz said "why do I have a duel spirit all of a sudden?" Ojama Yellow said "for plot of the story and I'm going to be your favorite card." Chazz said "I will let you stay but I will only use you if I really need to."

In Sheppard's office the seven spirit keys began to glow and then they all shot out of the room and Chazz saw this and grabbed them but they took him for a ride. Then Jaden and the gang showed up and followed Chazz as well as did Sheppard and Crowler. Chazz led them to the an area in the forest. Then seven obelisk pillars appeared from out of the ground. Then Chazz let go of the keys and each one of them was absorbed by the pillars. Then the ground collapsed in about a two feet and they a box appeared and the sacred beasts had appeared.

The beasts called to Jaden and Jaden could feel that they were to be his. Then a voice came from the sky and it said "these monsters don't belong to you." Then a man in in tank of liquid and he had robot legs and a duel disk in one biconical arm. He then said "those sacred beasts belong to me." Sheppard said "I recognize that voice it is the Kagemaru the schools superintendent." Kagemaru said "it pleases me to see that you remember me Sheppard it has been to long."

Kagemaru then approached the beast cards and took them and shuffled them into his deck. Kagemaru said "in order to get the beast true power I needed duel energy to release them and I this year of students didn't disappoint me. You see that it is duel energy that can wake the beasts and not the keys to open it. Now for the final duel before I claim this world I need one of you do duel me and my dream will become true." Jaden, Chazz, and Zane volunteered to duel him but Kagemaru said "There can only be one and this duelist beat most of my shadow riders."

Kagemaru smiled and said "Jaden Yuki you will be my opponent and when I will the beasts will help create a new world that I want." Jaden said "ok Kagemaru get your game on." Both of them took their places and said "duel." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman to the field in defense mode. (1200def) Because of Bubbleman's effect of being the only card on the field I get to draw two cards. I will end my turn with a facedown."

Kagemaru said "my turn, I draw. I play three trap cards face down." Chazz said "why would he do that Jaden now knows that he should not attack." Bastion said "I think there is more to this than meets the eye for why he would do that." Akiza said "I can feel that this is going to be a pain to see." Alexis said "this makes no sense or maybe he has a trick up this sleeve." Crowler said "I don't think this is going to end well." Syrus said "Jaden you can do this and don't loose heart." Chumley said "this going to be epic not in a good way."

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